Hi Sealnyx - Yes, I agree with you that adult family relationships have to be renogotiated.
For example, several years ago, my Cousin threw a lavish Bday party for her Mother, my Aunt. It included relatives from Europe (AUnties' brother and sister, my Uncle and Aunt) and was a secret. They were planning to come out to the US, have a weekend long party, then travel the Southwest. I told her I wanted to be included in the Southwest Tour. I called and followed up over several months and was told the tour was not happening. Imagine my surprise when I went to the Bday dinner and discovered I was the only one not going on the tour. Evidently, my relatives thought I did not want to go and spend time with them. I was PISSED, not only was I not included, she misrepresented me to them.
That was 7 years ago - at the time I vowed never to talk/see her again, partly because I had no way of resolving the conflict and requesting an apology was not acceptable to my NM. What a missed opportunity that was! So, I agree, (this was in the days pre-N knowldge pre-recovery,) now I would do it much differently and tell NM support me or else..... so to speak...
Also, a weird phenomenon I noticed recently after my Dad passed away. His friends have always been nice to me, respectful and seem to have valued my accomplishments. My NMothers friends treat me badly, make insulting and demeaning comments and seem to think I am generally a failure. ( I was going to write the failure is NOT TRUE, but actually its not about the facts, its about the feelings...)
Hmm... it took me a while to figure out that my NM spoke about me with disrespect, while my Father, who I loved alot, spoke very highly of me to his friends. And, thats whats come back to me. Not enough, I am afraid...NM's influence has been crippling at times!
This is a great topic - its healing to know that we can right previous wrongs as a grown-up. Thanks!