Hey everyone,
Can anyone recommend any good self help books for Narcissists. The books I have come across are primarily written for people in relationships with Narcissists and not for Narcissits themselves. Nina Brown is one good author. She has a book "loving the self absorbed". Hopefully there is a book out there for those who are self abosorbed, to become less so. Also what about resources for finding a counselor who specializes in treating Narcissits. I live in Orlando Florida. Any suggestions?
I attend a local church and spoke with my pastor, he suggested that by doing things for others, one can become less absorbed. Maybe, but from what I've read, the prognosis is dim for Narcissts. I sometimes become suicidal at the idea that I'll never get better. I'm trapped in a Narcissistic nightmare. Every once in a while, someone manages to convince me that I'm not a Narcissist and the suicidal ideations lift, but as soon as I come face to face with what I really am, that's when I get at my worst.