Author Topic: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday  (Read 2516 times)


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N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« on: October 16, 2009, 09:13:31 AM »
The minute it was obvious that there was no child in that balloon and the media attention began to focus on this family's previous exploits on Television I began to smell an N!  The videos of this father taking his children "storm" chasing at much too young an age, the blank look on the  kids faces as if they had been well trained to "act" rather than "feel" in front of cameras, the mother's unbending smile, all felt too familiar. Even as the reporter put the man on the defensive by asking if this was a stunt and he grew defensive (but not very convincing), the mothers expression did not change....and where was her opinion of all this? Did she not have a voice??? She didn't seem upset at all nor was she even in a position to address the camera. Dad sat front and center, the star of the show. Like the children, she knew her role

I fully suspected that this was a media stunt from the moment they started giving the dad's history; now the media does too. I'm sure before this is over financial difficulties will surface, hopefully they will, it would at least suggest he had a reason to create an event in his son's life that the child will never live down. The child has already spilled "the beans" by saying that his hiding was for, "the show".  I guess that is how you explain being part of a narcissistic feed to a 6 year old.

Luckily no one died. No heroic young man was killed dangling out of a helicopter trying to free the non-existent child. The balloon didn't get caught in the rotors and bring the aircraft down. No accidents occurred as emergency vehicle sped to the scene, but I doubt that ever mattered to the Father. He was in television and knew how to manipulate the media...I'm sure to him it was all a big game.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 10:44:27 AM by Sealynx »


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2009, 03:50:36 PM »
Wait until he gets the bill for this mess!!!!   :P

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 05:11:36 PM »
I'm sure he will then write a book. Just looking at this guy turns my stomach, but seeing and proving are two different things. N's lie so well and the children are already so well trained having endured storm chasing and reality shows! Worse yet the American public seems to be getting more and more accepting of N behaviors on TV. Scary world out there!


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 07:36:36 PM »
I heard news reports that in the second and third interview the 6 year old had to leave the set and could be heard vomiting in the background.  Unless the poor boy has come down with the flu, this tells me he is traumatized by the event and should never have been subjected to the scutiny of the media.  Seems as though the parents are doing nothing to protect their children and instead are using them as pawns.

Two other clips shown that bothered me.

 One:   (released by the family as home video) shows father at the "moment" the balloon flew off.  He kicked the stand and went into a rage.  Acting?  Over acting.  I find that the narcissist in my life overreacts to almost everything - they don't know how to experience normal emotion so they act what they think it is.  I think this dad was guilty of the narcissist overreaction that, unless you have lived with one, you don't recognize.

Two:   An interview with a neighbor.  He said that they are a great family, good neighbors, no problems.  Don't most outsiders think that of the narcissist?  I hear it all the time about my N mother.  They manipulate not only their family but society.

Sad and scary, indeed.



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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 10:26:13 PM »
Good points all Logy,
I heard about the little boy throwing up and the Sheriff today said he has contacted Child Protection. He has yet to ask them to act but I hope someone in that organization is aware of N behaviors. Dr. McBride is in CO, maybe she has contacts in Fort Collins. It is a lot like watching our FOO's. No one seems to see what is really going on and yet to us it is so obvious. That mother's reaction and her taking a "backseat" to his "press conferences" is so telling. She just sits there smiling without a word to say.

Maybe if someone does bust this guy, the little boys suffering will not be useless. There are so many N parents. Turning the the spotlight on this could help other children. This wouldn't be the first time that a relatively unknown disorder suddenly became common knowledge due to child abuse. Remember Munchhausen by Proxy??? Where the mother poisoned or smothered the child and then called 911 to get attention???


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2009, 12:49:47 AM »
sealynx; yes.  so glad someone else saw this.  Wow, I watched this dad on the news--scary.  The kids aren't normal, the wife is submissive ("I do all the domestic work, and promote my husband's business, and...").  The kids sitting there unsure what to do or say, staring at the camera, bent double, trying to lie "correctly."

Freaked me out.


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2009, 10:26:42 AM »
The more I look at those tapes, the more chilling they are. I would be so contrite if I'd had half the world out looking for my child. I would be thanking the military, the paramedics, the police and anyone who was involved then backing out the spotlight to help my child save face. I would never have my child in front of the camera. I'm going to write to a few news casters like Anderson Cooper and Larry King and see I can interest them in doing a story about N families. You guys might want to try the same idea even on a local level.

I just went over to Anderson Cooper's 360 site and posted a comment on that dad and NPD. There were only four comments visible and the board is moderated, so hopefully someone on his staff will read it even if they don't keep it posted.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 11:29:36 AM by Sealynx »


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2009, 12:02:40 PM »
this father is creepy ....and the predictions here on the board were right on!! 

the strange thing is i kept thinking he looked familiar like maybe i've seen him somewhere before - i read some articles on him and discovered he lived in Burbank in 2007 and was an actor. Hmmm. I worked in casting in 2007 and I live in North Hollywood which is right next door to Burbank.  I wonder if I've seen him in one of my sessions....


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2009, 02:01:19 PM »
I would imagine that this guy would go out of his way to make an impression! Wonder how many people he physically shoved or stepped on trying to get to the head of the casting line!!


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2009, 02:52:27 PM »
Sealnyx - great idea to suggest N stories to Anderson Cooper/Larry King. Are you interested in making this an initiative that we on the board could support?   


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2009, 05:12:42 PM »
Yes Ales,
I've written to several boards suggesting that it might be of interest to the public to do a story on NPD since this guy likely has it. Maybe someone will pick up the story. They could do their usual and have a guest expert describe N behavior and then discuss whether or not he is. I could see this working as a general story about the kinds of people who do reality TV. It would raise public knowledge about the disorder.


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2009, 06:12:40 PM »
Good going Sealynx!


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2009, 09:28:49 PM »
Ales...that's fascinating and creepy!

Sealynx, thank you for being a voice for us, and so many others like us.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2009, 07:58:01 PM »
Anybody watch ET tonight? They did a clip on the father being a very angry and abusive person.

Speaking of N moms, there was a clip on "Toddlers and tiaras" where a mom competes with her daughter on beauty pageants. The mom bragged about how she beat her own daughter. The little girl giggles saying, "I compete with my mom sometimes".    The mom publicly threw a fit when the daughter did a move on stage that the mom didn't like. The mom is putting the little girl on a fruit diet to lose weight..(when the mom is plus size herself).  Classic N mom.

Wow. I could see the pain in that little girl, but she has to present herself as if it's normal.


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Re: N Father's and Balloon Stunt of Yesterday
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2009, 10:05:47 PM »
Once, before I really understood Nism, I found myself caught up in a news story of what seemed Nparent abuse. A young top tier grad student was found in the trunk of her car, she killed herself with several bottles of sleeping pills. She was a super academic super high achiever. Her father was absolutely sure that she was murdered, he pressed the media and even went so far to blame authorities for botching the investigation of her death in order to point the finger of blame away from himself.

I got caught up in the story, my anger and rage at the father was my own displaced anger and rage at my N parents. He was so N, it was so obvious that he had ignored his daughters emotional needs, pressed her, pressured her to be someone, to excel, to achieve. He kept talking about her academic achievements, even creating a memorial web-page that listed nothing of who she really was as a person but rather all of what she had accomplished academically. It was sad...I could see the young girls low self esteem in the photos, that vacant stare of a cry in her eyes for someone to free her, for someone to help her.

The week before she killed herself she called her father and asked him for some time to talk, apparently he denied her and told her that she needed to finish her studies that week before he would help her with whatever it was she was asking for. She was found dead that weekend. I think that he has denied her one to many times in life, and, yet, all he could and would do, when pressed about her suicide, was point the finger at what he was absolutely sure was someone else's fault.

I felt for his grief and tried to empathize with how any parent would feel with the death of a child, to be fair and compassionate to him. But he was so busy caring about what the world thought and how his image through her suicide would be forever tainted that he seemed to forget that his daughter was even gone. He seemed completely caught up in damage control of image.

It enraged me. I could not figure out why I was so caught up until about a year later when all of my rage at my N parents started surfacing, until I could see that my mom was an N. Eventually I learned that I was emotionally denied and treated just like an object, like this young women was treated by her father, an object that he could brag about, that he could feel as if his needs for affirmation were being met through her achievements. It seemed to me that her suicide was an act of revenge towards him. I could relate.

After having worked through so much of my displaced anger, when I see news reports like the balloon one, I just feel sad.