Author Topic: Buttons and assertiveness  (Read 2019 times)


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Buttons and assertiveness
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:11:14 AM »
Hi all,

My personal triggering button for anger (not sadness) is when I am presenting an outward self that lets others think that my priorities are not important. I was raised to believe that I shouldn't have priorities and that if I do, they don't deserve to be respected.
I have to admit that the last 2-3 years I have been very cold-blooded in the sense that finally some of the times, I am willing to prioritise what's important to me. But whenever I open up to someone, I show a vulnerable self, somehow if I come up against choosing a priority they set over mine, they don't think it's important, and they treat me like a child.
I am very angry to write the whole story of what happened these last few days, on top of which I didn't get the chance to process NM's recent contact attempt that was highly abusive. I am really fed up right now.
I just want to call the person who doesn't see my priority as valid and say 'yes, you don't understand what I am trying to do, at least respect it'.

Thanks for reading


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2009, 07:31:10 AM »
I think you are facing something important((( P))). I feel guilty when I have a need . I feel more guilty when I value it and put it forth in the world. I had to take care of my M at all costs to myself.
Her feelings were the important ones.
Now, I have carried that paradigm in to my adult life and *I* treat myself like my M did. I do it out of primal fear, I think. I think if I don't keep up the patterns , then I am BAD and/or something terrible will happen.
 Thanks for sharing so honestly, P. It helped me a lot.          xxooo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2009, 08:53:35 AM »
"I just want to call the person who doesn't see my priority as valid and say 'yes, you don't understand what I am trying to do, at least respect it'."


I don't know what you want from whom.....but this may help with the general process of getting a priority met... First off, I have learned not to place my needs up for evaluation by assuming that someone has to "understand them" in order to honor a reasonable request. Understanding can become important as a general response to a person you are intimate with, but on a daily basis, I try NOT to explain myself as it diverts me into a territory that my N mom was lord and master of...fogging an issue with someone else's needs. A priority is just that...a priority and you don't have to present the person with a novel of information about why you have decided this is important to you.

What you are describing is all about energy. Ever watch that show "Dog Whisperer"? If not watch an episode. The man talks a lot about how animals perceive dominance and energy. He teaches people how to use their energy differently to stop an animal from bad behavior the minute the animal starts to think about doing it!!!. That was the task I had to engage in while overcoming my issues with priorities and other people. To me it is all about projecting rather than always "reading" the other person's energy. I had to learn to project an energy of priority.

I think that, just like the animals, our N's moved to shut us down the minute we projected even the "energy" of a priority. By the same token, we learned to perceive their priority energy in others and shut down the minute they appeared to want something different. I think we often go into situations with that old energy and feel we need to explain ourselves and ask for respect in order to overcome what we perceive as other people's lack of respect for us.

The way I look at it is that most people enter situations with priority energy. They know what they want and pursue it, especially if they don't feel any priority energy coming form the person.  It is just like two dogs feeling each other out. I used to read their priority energy as a negation of what I wanted and collapse into a puddle of self-denial.  It was the old feeling that I was dealing with someone who could not and would not see my needs. I was feeling them way more than they were feeling me and crumbling back into a "take care of me please persona". When the person didn't understand the contract I was making with them and persisted in going about their own needs, I perceived this as a negative reaction.

 Judging yourself or the other person is waste of time when you want to achieve a priority. I find it helps to keep your mind focused solely on the goal and keep asking until you get it. Unless the person is an N, this will usually leave you feeling good, even if you don't get what you wanted from a particular person. Our mom's often fogged issues with numerous side arguments. When we become afraid that we can't have what we want, we are easily drawn off into making judgments that allow us to give up and blame either ourselves or the other person.

I began to realize that unlike my mother, other people were not mind readers and a weak presentation of my needs both verbally and energetically meant that it was seen as NOT a priority. I began to rehearse asking for things without second guessing what the other person didn't understand or assuming a lack of respect (which is what led me to feel angry and worthless).  When they didn't hear me I simply repeated my NEED. I bumped it up to from a want to a NEED and let them know (without malice) that I was on a mission to get this need met. If they resisted I let them know I was leaving (without explaining or getting angry) to find it from someone else or better pursue my goal and I would see them later. Good people will assume that you will ask for what you need and go get it.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 09:20:33 AM by Sealynx »


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2009, 10:13:09 AM »
Thanks Sealynx and Ami. It's a rather simple matter. A lady is helping me find a publisher for the memoir but she needs it translated first. I go to work (8 hours plus 2.5 to travel there and back) then I come home and try to translate something that it was really painful to write. And I have to give the full thing to the lady and I am a little behind because of day job commitments. Day job is something I took 1st of October to pay the biils I couldn't wait to look for something better so I am on minimim wage. There is a congress happening at work, and like everything in Greece, they invites came only the last minute. The only time I get to do some actual work on translation is the weekend. I was asked by the boss to work this weekend, I say I don't think I can but will work the next one. There is a colleague that we got along from the start who is hired to organise the sending of invitations. The office is in Omonoia the center of Athens that if full of junkies and little thieves. I feel really uncomfortable when I go to work and when I leave, especially if it's late. Everyone has a car, but I have to walk to the tube station and I am really, really scared. Yesterday I said I would stay but when the night fell, I left. I had to take a taxi to a safer station that I can't really afford.
Anyway, because the whole thing is behind, the colleague rang me to say that if I can't go today, I HAVE to go tomorrow. I explained that IF I will progress with the translation to the point that I am happy to send to the lady who helps me, I will go. If not, I will not be able. I told her that the book is right now my priority and that really if I go, I will earn something like 8 euros for the two hours and will lose hald a day that I would have to myself to translate. The faster I do it, the faster the lady will help me a) find a publisher and B) use it as a writing sample and a sample of my discipline to write to find another job.
I also told the colleague that the tube is down and I would have to take a bus that will take me even longer. I said I will think about it and let her now. She has accepted that everybody else has a life and can't work during the weekend but somehow she thinks I don't and that I can go. I was really clear. I left for the supermarket and got a text 'I am coming to get you and then will return you home with the car once we are done' I got so angry. I text back saying 'do not organise my life before you speak to me, IF I will come it will be for two hours just to do a specific task she asked'.
That's the story.


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2009, 10:15:39 AM »
May I also add that NM made me work during weekends, Xmas, New Year, National HOlidays etc. So it's a trigger, demanding for me to go without realising that what I need to do is more important.
Once we were doing marketing by fax on a Xmas day. You know when a fax is also a phone and people pick up instead of hearing the fax sound? I told her maybe we should speak to them asking them to switch to fax mode and she said 'are you crazy? They will think we are nuts for working on a Xmas day!'


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2009, 10:35:39 AM »
Thanks Sealynx and Ami. It's a rather simple matter. A lady is helping me find a publisher for the memoir but she needs it translated first. I go to work (8 hours plus 2.5 to travel there and back) then I come home and try to translate something that it was really painful to write. And I have to give the full thing to the lady and I am a little behind because of day job commitments. Day job is something I took 1st of October to pay the biils I couldn't wait to look for something better so I am on minimim wage. There is a congress happening at work, and like everything in Greece, they invites came only the last minute. The only time I get to do some actual work on translation is the weekend. I was asked by the boss to work this weekend, I say I don't think I can but will work the next one. There is a colleague that we got along from the start who is hired to organise the sending of invitations. The office is in Omonoia the center of Athens that if full of junkies and little thieves. I feel really uncomfortable when I go to work and when I leave, especially if it's late. Everyone has a car, but I have to walk to the tube station and I am really, really scared. Yesterday I said I would stay but when the night fell, I left. I had to take a taxi to a safer station that I can't really afford.
Anyway, because the whole thing is behind, the colleague rang me to say that if I can't go today, I HAVE to go tomorrow. I explained that IF I will progress with the translation to the point that I am happy to send to the lady who helps me, I will go. If not, I will not be able. I told her that the book is right now my priority and that really if I go, I will earn something like 8 euros for the two hours and will lose half a day that I would have to myself to translate. The faster I do it, the faster the lady will help me a) find a publisher and B) use it as a writing sample and a sample of my discipline to write to find another job.
I also told the colleague that the tube is down and I would have to take a bus that will take me even longer. I said I will think about it and let her know. She has accepted that everybody else has a life and can't work during the weekend but somehow she thinks I don't and that I can go. I was really clear. I left for the supermarket and got a text 'I am coming to get you and then will return you home with the car once we are done' I got so angry. I text back saying 'do not organise my life before you speak to me, IF I will come it will be for two hours just to do a specific task she asked'.
That's the story.

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!  I can SO relate to THIS!!!!!!!  NDoofus the NBoob OFTEN tried to pull this on me with the attitude of:  "Well, you've got NOTHING to do and NOWHERE to go, because you're not married, therefore I OWN YOU!!!!!"  And she also attempted to "organize" my life FOR me, before speaking to me, as well as attempted to FORCE me to cancel previously scheduled appointments for HER ROYAL convenience!!  To me, that is a VIOLATION OF BOUNDARIES!!!!  Boundaries of Time, Boundaries of Space, Boundaries of a PERSONAL LIFE THAT YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO HAVE!!!!!!  What IS it with these N's who are delusional in thinking that you are THEIR PROPERTY TO USE AND ABUSE AT THEIR WHIMS?!?!?!?!?  SHEESH!!!!!!   :roll:

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2009, 10:45:52 AM »
It sounds like you are aware of what your energetic history is and just have to throw off that "workaholic energy". It takes time. The only advice I have is to stop giving this person an excuse and just say NO, as she will continue to "solve the problem" and ignore the NO behind it. Some people take a reason as a challenge to be overcome.

 One thought I had is that if you are taking public transportation and have a long travel time, it might be useful to read your translation into a small tape recorder on the long ride home. Then you could just type it up when you got home rather than having to do the translation.


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2009, 10:50:07 AM »

 Judging yourself or the other person is waste of time when you want to achieve a priority. I find it helps to keep your mind focused solely on the goal and keep asking until you get it. Unless the person is an N, this will usually leave you feeling good, even if you don't get what you wanted from a particular person. Our mom's often fogged issues with numerous side arguments. When we become afraid that we can't have what we want, we are easily drawn off into making judgments that allow us to give up and blame either ourselves or the other person.

This is so true Sealynx. I try to be like this at work, and it is OK except for the one person at work whom I suspect is an N.


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2009, 11:14:27 AM »
Thanks to everyone for sharing.

Bones, I am glad you can relate. I really understand the stress this colleague is going through. BUT one thing I learned in CODA is that you can't take care of the other person's feelings and yours too: with every situation, you have got to decide. I decided this time to go with mine. I am helping by translating a 20 page document for her husband, also needing to be done this weekend. That, I can do.

Sealynx, no, I fall to pieces with this book and it's not something I can do on the bus. That's why I can only do 4-5 pages every evening.

Thanks to everyone for sharing.



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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2009, 11:31:56 AM »
On a funny note it's a bit like the movie Office Space, for those who've seen it:
'Yeah hi, it's Bill Luuuuuumbergh here, I need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday? oh! and before I forget: I need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday as well! Ummmkayyyyy????'


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2009, 08:54:18 AM »
Thanks to everyone for sharing.

Bones, I am glad you can relate. I really understand the stress this colleague is going through. BUT one thing I learned in CODA is that you can't take care of the other person's feelings and yours too: with every situation, you have got to decide. I decided this time to go with mine. I am helping by translating a 20 page document for her husband, also needing to be done this weekend. That, I can do.

Sealynx, no, I fall to pieces with this book and it's not something I can do on the bus. That's why I can only do 4-5 pages every evening.

Thanks to everyone for sharing.



Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2009, 09:14:41 AM »
Guys I feel a big dufus: I ended up going for a couple of hours today as I realised there was something I had to finish. It turns out that the colleague pressured me to go because she is off tomorrow as it's her husband's nameday (yeah I know) BUT I got 60 euros for 3 hours work (today and an hour on Friday), plus I spoke with the boss about a flat I may have missed because I didn't have the deposit and he offered to help me out. Today I feel really blessed! And happy! I am sending all these vibes to everyone in this board to share!

P xxx


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2009, 09:37:27 AM »
Guys I feel a big dufus: I ended up going for a couple of hours today as I realised there was something I had to finish. It turns out that the colleague pressured me to go because she is off tomorrow as it's her husband's nameday (yeah I know) BUT I got 60 euros for 3 hours work (today and an hour on Friday), plus I spoke with the boss about a flat I may have missed because I didn't have the deposit and he offered to help me out. Today I feel really blessed! And happy! I am sending all these vibes to everyone in this board to share!

P xxx

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Buttons and assertiveness
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2009, 09:42:31 AM »
Thank you! Good vibes are always a blessing worth sharing.