Dear Bear,
I am gonna tell you my story cuz it is about trusting the WRONG people, such as NM's. I trusted and wanted and trusted and wanted a mother ,father and husband. When I needed help from an abusive H,my M sided with HIM against me. I still wanted a Mother, Father and Husband.
When I needed a place to escape abuse, my M sided with my abusive H . I thought I was my fault for making my bed and lying in it. i.e. marrying him. I stayed and stayed and got more beaten down until my 21 yr.old committed suicide, a wonderful pre-med college student.
I stayed and stayed and hoped and hoped for N's to become normal. That was my life course. I blamed myself when they didn't. Take my life story and add it to the mix when you think about what to do with your M. Love You, Ami