My NM used food as a weapon when we were children. In my case, she tried constantly to fatten me up, to make me "ugly." She would stock the house with the most fattening gross junk food imaginable, and force me to clean my plate. When I got to high school, I would throw away the junk food she gave me for lunch, and run to the grocery store that was next to the school, and buy fruit.
Conversely, NM tried to force a healthy diet on my brother, the GC. She would buy him fruits and vegetables, skim milk. There was a separation in the fridge of my food and his food. If he reached for some junk food, M would yell, "No, the doughnuts are for Kathy."
The net effect was that, as adults, our diets went in the opposite direction of what N forced on us. I began eating healthy, and dropped to an ideal weight and appearance. My brother started making up for lost time by eating bacon, French fries, any fatty food he could stuff in his body. He's naturally thin, so has never shown any weight gain from it, but I shudder to think of what his arteries must look like.
NM is angry over all of this. She wanted complete control over every aspect of our lives, including our bodies. It's a pretty severe form of control, maybe one of the worst.