And it's here in my house. I'm now 6 days and feeling better. My little kid is laying here next to me on the couch miserable 4 days and my older D is saying a cold is coming on, Eek!. I hope so but doubt it. Tommorrow is her Dr apt. She may get the tamiflu we didn't.
Symptoms of mine were, cough my lungs out to the point where I think I threw my back out. Netti Pot helped wonders (thanks hops) body aches, low grade headache, low grade stomach ache, exhausted.
My son's were...exhausted, lower back ache, no cough, ripping sore throat, low ear pain, eye gook, and now I hear cough and sneezes....His throat is his biggest complaint.
Oh and fever but not all the time and not very high. Oh and runny stuffy nose for us both.
I feel good but not good enough to do anything I normally do. I'm still exhausted.
Just can't wait till I see my little guy get over the hump..I don't like this cough that just started.
My S is out of school this whole week and he can't return to school until he is 48 hours free of fever without motrin.
We will have to get the seasonal flu shot though. The H1N1 shot I was more likely to not have my S get. I"m not crazy about it and what later effects it could have, if any. Guess we are good with it now for this season.
I really don't like when my kids get this sick...
I asked the Dr when are we over this completely. He said it could be 2 weeks. I know what he's talking about because although I feel 100% better then I did at night I will still feel a bit chilled and achey (no comparison to before) no fever, tired but not sleep tired just wiped out... My God the job I will have on my house when my energy is my S will with a week worth of homework this weekend. For now we sit and watch Halloween shows (his favorite holiday) drinking Chai Green Tea with Lemon. That's the nice part of all this yuky stuff.
On the funny side...
While sleeping on the couch my D said I began to Snore the walls in. She said Ma, Ma, and I did some crazy snoring then that leveled out to stop. The next morning she said It's freezing in here and I looked at her all crazy and said...I'M which she replied, then take your winter jacket off (with my PJ's on and ugg boots) while I rocked back and forth.

I don't remember that.
Ah well,