Author Topic: H1N1 in the house  (Read 3118 times)


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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2009, 02:10:44 AM »
And it's here in my house.  I'm now 6 days and feeling better.  My little kid is laying here next to me on the couch miserable 4 days and my older D is saying a cold is coming on, Eek!.  I hope so but doubt it.  Tommorrow is her Dr apt.  She may get the tamiflu we didn't. 

Symptoms of mine were, cough my lungs out to the point where I think I threw my back out.  Netti Pot helped wonders (thanks hops) body aches, low grade headache, low grade stomach ache, exhausted.

My son's were...exhausted, lower back ache, no cough, ripping sore throat, low ear pain, eye gook, and now I hear cough and sneezes....His throat is his biggest complaint. 

Oh and fever but not all the time and not very high.  Oh and runny stuffy nose for us both. 

I feel good but not good enough to do anything I normally do.  I'm still exhausted. 

Just can't wait till I see my little guy get over the hump..I don't like this cough that just started.

My S is out of school this whole  week and he can't return to school until he is 48 hours free of fever without motrin.

We will have to get the seasonal flu shot though.  The H1N1 shot I was more likely to not have my S get.  I"m not crazy about it and what later effects it could have, if any.  Guess we are good with it now for this season.

I really don't like when my kids get this sick...

I asked the Dr when are we over this completely.  He said it could be 2 weeks.  I know what he's talking about because although I feel 100% better then I did at night I will still feel a bit chilled and achey (no comparison to before) no fever, tired but not sleep tired just wiped out... My God the job I will have on my house when my energy is my S will with a week worth of homework this weekend. For now we sit and watch Halloween shows (his favorite holiday)  drinking Chai Green Tea with Lemon. That's the nice part of all this yuky stuff.

On the funny side...

While sleeping on the couch my D said I began to Snore the walls in.  She said Ma, Ma, and I did some crazy snoring then that leveled out to stop.  The next morning she said It's freezing in here and I looked at her all crazy and said...I'M which she replied, then take your winter jacket off (with my PJ's on and ugg boots) while I rocked back and forth.  :shock: :lol:  I don't remember that.

Ah well,



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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2009, 01:20:58 PM »
Hi cb128

My daughter had the swine flu during the summer. It wasn't as bad as normal flu for her, just a couple of days of very high temperature and sore throat. Then she started getting better. However if your children have other illnesses or conditions you should take every precaution with them. Hope you feel better soon.


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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2009, 08:16:42 AM »

So sorry to hear you guys are sick.

Did you have the rapidtest done for H1N1?

How do you know if you have it or not?

If you do, it's a good thing, IMO....... get it over early is better.

((((Deb and kiddos))))

::sending you cyber mommy soup and tea::


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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2009, 12:28:26 PM »
Hey Mof2,

He didn't do the test.  He does not like it says it's only 40 to 50 percent accurate and we were full blown symptoms.  We were also outside the time frame for tamiflu. 

It's a long haul. I'm 8 days now and it's not over till it's over.  I'm not worse but my S is with his throat.  I had to call the Dr last night.  He won't eat now due to pain.  Dr said, looks like he may be out 8 to 9 days (school) but it's doing what it does.  Effects people different.   

I called my D's friend who is a pharm and had it herself.  She had me buy him chewable vitamins (he's 14) but don't care how he gets them or what kind he puts into his body. So he got Scooby Snacks.  Also for his throat she told me to melt butter mix it with honey and spread it on bread.  Lemon in tea with honey.  She said lemon helps with fever and again honey for throat,  Wendys Frostys to the rescue. He does not sleep much so although the thera flu really will not help it will make him sleep. 


Alot of the schools are closing around us but ours is open.  Many kids out though.  My friend works there and yesterday they were told gloves back on.

I really don't see a difference then the seasonal flu it just seems to last longer, really long, grrrrrrrrrrr....

Thanks Mof2 and I'm glad we got it now.

Friends and extended family have been great.  They won't come near me but they do knock and leave things...Like Frosty's  :D Homework :x



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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2009, 06:50:06 AM »
Stupid flu.

(((Deb and kiddo)))

This too, shall pass.

It sounds like the flu is getting worse, just like our ped said it would.

Your friends should have rubbed you like a good luck charm and counted themselves lucky to get it, IMO.

I don't see this bug getting any easier.

Was your tummy involved at all?



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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2009, 12:08:11 PM »
Hey Mof2,

Yes we had stomach ache (dull) if that what it was.  We had deep lower (above tail bone)pain around to hips.  We could eat but very little and was hungry.  One baked potato.  Toast.  That was about it.  We would get sick to stomach/slightly. 

The strange thing  with this flu and at moment with my S is days and days into it (for him) the symptoms I started with he now has on top of the ones he already had.  I never got the throat, ear, eyes. 

Everyone else in the house D, S, H are all just fine and dandy!! 

Yes this shall pass but it feels like it's never ending and I wish I was the one taking it the hardest... I can't stand to watch my S and nothing I can do about it.  I wish I could take it from him and fight it for him.

This is a heart ache...and I'm worried to death.



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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2009, 12:13:06 PM »
Another Thing.....

I wasn't sure I was going to get the shot for my S when it came in.  It's new and I was not so sure or comfortable about it.

After watching my S I'm not sure now if I want to Scream...Get it for your children...he is so sick.  I would talk and talk to the Ped's about it and then make decision. 

This is difficult for me.



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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2009, 12:38:24 PM »
Deb:  There doesn't seem to be enough of the vaccine to go around, and I'm not one to trust it anyway.

If I had to do it over again, I'd skip the vaccine and get the tamiflu, which is what we did in the first place.  Our ped said the vaccine wasn't a good idea...... too new, not tested, etc.

Judging by our experiences, the tamiflu drug worked well to curb symptoms and duration.

It's so expensive, I worried whether it was worth it but..... your posts make me feel better about it.

Seeing our kiddos sick isn't worth any amount of money.

Hope you're all recovered now.

Remember, the sooner you start the tamiflu, the better. 

Has anyone else in the house come down with the flu?




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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2009, 03:58:44 PM »
Hey Mof2,

All good here.  We have recovered.  No one else had it.  We just rec'd notice that the H1N1 shot is in for my S.  Too late for that.  Many friends are getting it now.  Just last week there was three of mine.  Hospital told me that they are getting 250 to 300 people a day coming in either having it or thinking they may have it.  It does appear that the tamiflu did help with symptoms.
My friends said the same 3 days the worse. 

When my friend asked her ped about the shot he said it's a personal decision but he was not giving it to his 14mth old. 

My friend who has it and her D is struggling with this decision now about her S who can get it and torn.  It is a personal decision and some people get very sick but I do not think she's going with it.   

Our schools are now going to give the shot (with parents permission) and as nuts as this sounds I'm relieved my S already had it *the flu*.

I do not trust the shot either, don't know enough about it but I didn't trust the H1N1 if you got it and how one is effected by it either.

Kind of like you take your chances either way.  What to do?



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Re: H1N1 in the house
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2009, 09:03:59 AM »
There isn't a day goes by, I'm not relieved we already had it.

I just wish I'd known I had it and gotten the tamiflu too.

I wouldn't suggest anyone get the vaccine.

I would, however, worry about the ability to get tamiflu when needed.

(((deb))) So glad you're all feeling better: )
