This is absolutely fabulous! Thanks for finding/sharing/posting.
I have only been physically sick once in my life - during college. As a result of the stress of my Nm and her ridiculous expectations, school and sorority, I ended up getting mono which became full blown Epstein-Barr virus, which I carry today, but have learned to manage through nutrition, exercise, supplements, and as I've been learning, enforcing more boundaries. Being sick and living w/my Nm when I was a college junior was devastating. Also, it started with strep throat - which is sometimes symbolic of someone who cannot speak for themselves. No irony lost there. A couple of years later, I went through a tremendous depression, that my MD Dad noticed and sent me to a psychiatrist in his clinic. I took prozac, and it helped, but never addressed the underlying issues that got me there in the first place. It was reassuring/lucky to have him as my Dad, devastating to have her as my Mom. Ironically, she has RA, which is not surprising.
I am a big believer in the connection between mind/personality and health and find it no accident that certain personality types gravitate toward certain illnesses, while avoiding others. Also, there is proof that when medicine does not work for a patient, the illness has an emotional or mental cause. (see Caroline Myss, Louise Hay and others for info on that).
I'm a doctors kid and grew up with first rate, accurate, medical information, and agree with what is being said here....