There is very little written on this message board that I cannot relate to. Nearly every topic hits a nerve somehow. My N mother sabotaged my entire life, and I am only in the last couple of years learning to reclaim it.
She attempted to ruin both of my marriages.
She attempted to get me fired from several jobs.
She demeaned, criticised to such an extent that I could not walk across the room without worry.
She attempted to ruin my education.
She would steal my mail, throw away my belongings, destroy my personal possessions . . .
She interfered with all of my relationships, somehow worming her way onto the good side of my friends, boyfriends, mentors, etc.
I was a very lonely, isolated and withdrawn child. My heart hurts for myself when I think back on my younger years. But, even that in of itself is an improvement--the fact that I can feel for me!
So, now my goal is to break the cycle and generate kindness and love rather than pass on N traits. Uggh.