Thank you, all, so much for your compassionate replies. It is good to be posting, here, again.
Ahh, yes, Sealynx. I do have memories of N mother "acting" kind when others were watching and, then, morphing into an evil witch when I was alone with her. I recall this behavior vividly as to her verbal and emotional abuse. So, why would it have been any different with the physical abuse/neglect . . . hmmm, gets me thinking . . .
Thank you, Hops. My voice is getting louder, and I hope that soon I will no longer hear "her."
Binks, your comment about your mom being overcome brought back more memories of my N mother not being able to "handle" any kind of urgent situation. She would scream for my father, and he would scream at whoever was nearby. Then, they would scream at each other and at us children and blame, lecture, etc. So, the real emergency ended up being ignored in place of the dysfunction. Yes, is it any wonder we kept things from them? In fact, I had my period for over a year before N mother found out. I would rather have been beaten than to share anything personal with her.
Thanks again, everyone, for your support.