Hmm ... very good question. I've made quite a bit of progress in this area in the past 25 years, but still have a ways to go. Here are some ways that I'm getting better, but want to get better still ...
1) When I truly love myself, I don't expect any more out of myself than I expect out of other people. I cut myself slack. I accept my own imperfections.
2) When I truly love myself, I am able to face my mistakes, faults, and bad behaviors. Loving myself makes me strong enough to admit I was wrong without feeling like worm dirt.
3) When I truly love myself, I can release others, especially my family, to follow their own destiny. My sense of self-worth is not determined by what they do, so I can set them free.
4) When I truly love myself, I have more patience with others, because the "voices" of criticism in my head are still and I'm not completely fed up with criticism that comes from within ... so I have patience left to deal with other people's nonsense.
5) When I truly love myself, I trust myself to make good decisions and to do the right thing. I'm not always looking to someone else to confirm what I already know.