Hi Cantor,
Remember me?
Ah! the screaming meamies, the tremors and tics, the stammering and stuttering, any memory lapses?
Well mine all came with morphine, codeine, anethestic, pain, constipation (6 weeks and 3 days), slept with my eyes open, saw all that was happening, but it was quiet at night in the hospital. I could see the clock and our 2 windows and I was in a house where aliens came to take our air to live, but I was a human in this house, breathing 92% of the oxygen and they were beginning to fade and had to find me and kill me. I watched as all this happened, but put my own story line to it. They had to search me down and finally one approached me and looked me straight in the eyes. I knew I was dead. I asked,. "What do I do now?" She said,"Go back to sleep." I see now that she was a nurse who caught me lying there with my eyes open and just approached, saying nothing until I did!
Oh I could write a book on those nights, and then they mixed with reality so much I didn't know one from the other, felt I was being held prisoner and would be killed so I escaped the hospital.........for REAL in just my gown and with my purse and was going home to call someone to come and get me! Police caught me and sent me backj with 2 hospital security guards. It is very unreal, but was real!
What meds are you on??
PS. First I read "This morning I pooped...."