I know this board is not for incest survivors, nor am I one. My NM was, however.
The past relationship I think I got into because on some level, I still have this need to understand my mother. Also, to remove some of the horrible, awful anxiety I felt empathizing with her constantly.
It might seem odd, but meeting an incest survivor who was/is in denial, and I believe sexually abusing his own daughter, and standing up to him and his whole family, has somehow made me feel better.
It is such a subtle type of asbuse, almost impossible to prove, and the denail probably stronger than any other type of abuse I can think of. Especially because its his own daughter and she's six (there are also 2 other stepkids who I'mconvinced were abused by him as well, boys who are now teenagers - one is currently in State custody for abusing his sister and some kids in the neighborhood- he is the youngest registered sex offender ever in the State he is in custody in. A polygraph pointed to no sexual abuse of him by any adult. When he gets out (very soon) he'll take another polygraph to be sure he wasn't abused by an adult.
Anyway, its a long story and I'll probably need to give more details, but over the past 9 months, I let this man into my life and I let his daughter (then 5) call me Mom. It ended about a month ago after her Birthday (she turned 6). I'm sure something happened but I only have my instints, her behavior, and its not enough. Child Protective services screened out my report. I've done everything I can think of, and it feels like he's mocking me and possibly only getting stronger into denial.
I've pleaded to his mother, Dad, sisters, best-friend (told everybody I could think of that might be able to give me advice) - he can't be caught. Not at the moment. Knowing this, I even tried to appeal to his empathy toward his daughter - he's still emailing me and I respond occasionally
I've gone from panic attacks, to two different therapists (new ones since I'm living in a new state), to feeling extremely sad, to anger, etc. Back and forth a couple times, the range of emotions and all the stages of grief for the kid.
Not to mention they won't let me talk to her now.
I know I've been codependent, but somehow I'm seeing the positive in all this. Somehow, its becoming Not-so_scary, my mother's becoming not so scary.
Does this make sense?