Hi All!
I've been trying to wait to post until I have a therapist in place but Bones linked a letter that really hit home and whipped up my fury.
The letter was to Dear Abby about whether a mother should tell her pregnant daughter's fiancee that she was NPD. I married an N thirty years ago. I was a middle kid raised between sick siblings and I think I grew up thinking being needless was a virtue... so I fell for my N's poor me act hook, line, and sinker. I was twenty-two years old and had been out on my own supporting myself since I was nineteen.
Life with my N has never been fun but I didn't realize how bad until my kids got a little older and started acting out. I"ve tried to get out of this relationship in the past, but was encouraged to stay by friends, family, and my first therapist when I made the mistake of going to marriage counseling with him. We also co-own a business which makes things even stickier. I don't care how sticky things get, I'm done after Xmas regardless of who supports my actions.
A few years ago, twenty some years into marriage, my NMIL(witch) very casually decided to tell me that my husband's father was diagnosed as a Sociopath when my husband was ten. At first, while in total shock, I thought she was telling me to explain my husband's behavior. Within minutes I realized she was telling me this to pin my son as a Sociopath because of his addiction to painkillers. He wrapped his car around a tree and got a DUI the night of his first day in counseling, and he's been fighting an addiction to pain killers ever since.
Two weeks after she told me she sent the book "The Sociopath Next Door" home with her son for me.

Despite the fact that I know I have the right to be absolutely enraged that one human being would be cruel enough to play Russian Roulette with someone else's life... especially when there are kids involved... I need someone to validate my rage.
The only good thing about what she did is that her name is on the jacket of the book she gave me. So she inadvertently
gave me something that might help me when we get into court because she bought it long before my son started acting out.
Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to vent. I am both terrified and excited at the thought of regaining control of my life and I'm so happy to have found a place for a little support as I do.
Hugs To All
Still Ticking