Author Topic: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality  (Read 1919 times)


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Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« on: December 05, 2009, 08:23:21 PM »
Hi all,
The (brilliant) skin as Nboundary (always under attack) conversation started me wandering...just thought I'd share an enjoyable frugality thing I've enjoyed this year.

I wander around the web reading frugality tips a lot. Over and over I kept finding these sites that were ranting, in essence: We don't need practically anything they're selling us to clean and maintain healthy skin and hair. Gradually, I got on teh bandwagon. (Still wear a few little dots of organic foundation and lip tint, so I'm no paragon of naturalness.) I've gotten rid of a lot of chemical things soaking into that vulnerable skin organ and have been doing a whole new bunch of routines. Surprisingly, over the last year my skin has gotten smoother and healthier and my hair's thicker and more lustrous. It's been fun.

Here are my cheap and greenish substitutions (I think I save a lot of money doing this!):

Body wash/bath soap/facial soap
: few drops of diluted Dr. Bronner's Lavender (DBL) castille liquid soap--I use a foaming pump (empty "Method" soap pump that was emptied at work)
Shampoo: few drops cheap clarifying shampoo (a bottle lasts a year) plus a few drops DBL (no suds to speak of, not needed). Just rub it into scalp a temples a bit, not all my hair, let it just run down the strands, rinse.
Shave gel: Few drops DBL
Conditioner: Few tbsps vinegar in about 4 c. water (I keep a little plastic thingie in the shower, mix it each time). I dip the length of my hair in the little bowl, then pour it all down my head. The vinegar corrects your hair's PH and the vinegar smell is completely gone in about 10 minutes. Follow with a quick cooler rinse.
Leave-in conditioner: A FEW drops coconut oil (run between palms to liquify) worked very gradaully through, just "skate" hands over surface of hair a bunch of times, then work the rest in slowly, from the ends up
Face and body and hand lotion: Coconut oil (light olive oil's very cheap and works fine too). When I want to superhydrate I just reapply and keep doing that until it's all absorbed.
Exfoliant: about 1/4 tsp baking soda, just dampened and gently polished into the skin. Rinse.
Deodorant: about 1/4 tsp baking soda in my palm, add about the same amount of coconut oil. Rub palms together, then rub into armpits. "Granular" feeling melts away in a minute. Pits are smooth and odor is just vanquished. Even 12 hours later, the deodorizing's still effective. Quite surprising.
Tooth whitener: I buy a cheap mouthwash and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Slop a little bit of peroxide in a little mouthwash and swoosh it after brushing 2x day, swoosh for a full minute. It works!

There are many home remedy formulas out there and I do love hearing about them. My criteria, since I can't maintain an apothecary of essential oils, is ... SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE. And CHEAP. That's why I like these.

Anybody else got some simple personal care green & cheap tips?

Just took a hot bath with a little lavender oil, soaked up all the coconut oil my skin would take and crawled into bed early. Feel cozy. It snowed today.

PS--GS, thanks for telling me about Epsom salts baths...I love it! Verrrrrry relaxing.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 08:42:01 PM »
I'm going to have to look for some coconut oil tomorrow - can't wait to try the deodorant one. 


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Re: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 11:35:06 PM »

Hi Hops,

I don't have any really interesting tiips on alternative fluff and puff.

However, I do remember my old aunts using the tip of a burnt sulfur match to define their eyebrows.

I remember them using corn shucks to roll their hair.  They would twist it around the dried corn shuck then tie it securely...and sleep in it.  All of their methods worked for they were beautiful.  At least I thought so.



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Re: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2009, 01:35:36 PM »
You can do a sort of facial peel/rub by mixing some real oatmeal with water and creating a watery paste.

Let it sit a minute then apply to face and begin rubbing with fingers.

Eventually, it starts rolling off like drying rubber cement, taking dead skin with it.

Disclaimer:  Don't do THIS rub IF you're experiencing multiple bumps after a conoe ride that took your face through all kinds of WEEDS.

It might be poison ivy or oak or something.....

and this rub gets that party started. 

I had poison ivy good dripping like candle wax off the tip of my nose for a week :shock:


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Re: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2009, 01:49:35 PM »
I'm really glad to hear about the deodorant tip. If you have had breast cancer (I haven't, but my mom and grandmother did), you are not supposed to use regular deodorant or antiperspirant under the arm where you have had lymph nodes removed. Also, I have heard that there is a theory that aluminum may be implicated in Alzheimer's --- every product that is dried or drying (such as dry milk, dry gravy mixes, or antiperspirant) used aluminum. So, the less we use products with aluminum the better.


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Re: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 05:07:00 PM »

Hi Hops,

For years I slept in my Revlon.  Don't wear makeup all the time now like I did when I was in the business worls.  But now  when someone says something nice about my skin, I give Revlon the credit!

I was blown away to learn that Jackie Kennedy slathered Ponds on her face.  Now that was a beautiful face and an unforgettable icon.   I think she was probably a very good mother too.



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Re: Just a fluff/fun topic -- skin care & frugality
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 08:44:00 PM »
I didn't know that about Jackie Kennedy.  Wow.

Hops: Going to try the deoderant mixture--it just sounds so much more natural and safe for the body :D :D :D

Thanks for the tips!!!!
