Hello angrygirl ..... if you are worried about being an N, then I would say that just having the worry disqualifies you. I seriously doubt if N's ever question their innerself -- after all, they are perfect, aren't they? I would bet the NQueenmother has never given a thought to gauging any shortcomings she might have. She has been far too busy measuring mine and others' faults. I can remember years ago she told me that people who think they might be "crazy" are not crazy cause crazy people never think that. Well, the same applies to N's, mommie undearest.
They "got that way" (I think) from continuing to live out bad habits established early on in childhood. They never got past the "I am the center of the universe" business. They know they are doing it, but they are so twisted and nasty that they get a kick out of it. It's so sick and dirty, it makes my skin crawl. You will never be able to figure out when N begins. You can be sure it never ends as long as they draw a breath.
I know you are angry, so am I, so are most of us here. I have sacrificed so much of my life trying to please the unpleasable and being angry at them and at myself for not taking care of my own needs and for not giving up on a lost cause years ago. It is all perfectly clear to me now, but that does not lessen the hurt and resentment. It is so abstract and unbelievable that others do not understand. My husband commented last night that it is a shame it takes us so long in life to figure things out. Those of us who suffered childhood abuse sometimes can't come to terms with it until middle-age. ACON's fall in a rather different category than a kid in an obviously abusive home (the kind you see social workers race to and put on the evening news). And so it is with me, I didn't even know I had been abused until mid-life (or maybe past then if I were able to measure the lifespan years she took away from me). In any event, the sooner you get busy sorting this out, the sooner the anger will lessen, and it will lessen, not because the N's get better, but because you begin to love yourself more.
Good luck and happy spirits to you and to all of us.