The board certainly continues to be an active source of renewed energies - great for the non-N's.
There certainly are more new learning experiences and I wish to share my latest.
Just returned from a wonderful sun holiday to Los Cabos, Mexico. I had invited a girl friend to come along and WOW - N's or co-dependent addicts come in all sizes and shapes.
When I did not fulfill her narcissitic demands of walking her back to the condo (when I wanted to take a walk to the beach) her wanting room service (when there are beautiful outdoor sunny patios!!) her losing her room key (I was supposed to find it for her) etc. etc. She was sick and by "Her" standards I was supposed to spend my time having sympathy for her with her full of the you, you, you guilt trip and you are a control freak "like my dead husband" she said. "I' statements work every time, as N's or addicts dont function with "I" !!
Interesting when we non N's have control in our own lives and venture out on our own, how the N will be provoked into anger with all the projected you this and you that. All we non N's have to do is keep that golden silk cocoon wrapped around ourselves to protect ourselves from verbal abuse. Wear that silk wrap all day or Athena's sheild for protection - not knowing which direction the verbal abuse will come from. However, I have also learned that good things also come from all directions and have learned to shut out more of the abuse and be more and more open to the good things in life - with more control of my own thoughts and life.
Some time just taking a simple walk works for me - filling my head with beautiful thoughts, the wind, the sea, sunsets, and wind at my feet will set me free.
We only have to fill our heads with the good times and beautiful things we do for ourselves and keep on tracking and walking in our own footsteps.
I left many footsteps on the beach in the beautiful sun, wind and surf.
Her vodka was her relief. I never had an inkling about her habits when I invited her. The N's have many forms of relief. But we learn and recognize them faster and faster.
Learning to run...