I never had to compete with my brother (the GC) because NM pulled him out of the public school system pre-high school, and sent him to a very pricey private academy. She had "issues" with the public high school, said the school was "good enough" for her two girls, but her son deserved better.
I think the big issue that she had with the high school was that she couldn't control them. When I was younger and in elementary school, she joined the PTA, got heavily involved in the goings on at the school, and was able to control the classes I took and the teachers I had. She also got close to the teachers at the PTA meetings, and was able to get them to report back on our classroom activity, so she knew EVERYTHING that I was doing. When I got to HS, they told her to bug off, so she lost that ability to monitor my activities. At the same time, I started showing signs of independence as I became a teenager. That's when her N traits really started to show. She blamed the school for it, saying that they allowed me to get out of control. School became better for me then, because she lost those inside connections, and the ability to spy on me.
When she sent my brother to private school, I remember her telling everyone that the public high school "ruined my girls, but I won't let them ruin my son." Here's the funny part . . . I went to the same high school in L.A. (Burbank) that Ron Howard and Tim Burton went to. Oddly, the school seemed to work out just fine for them.