Yes, I'm in recovery from body dysmorphic disorder. It's basically being OCD about how you look. No, it's not vanity or thinking that you're better than everyone else (which is what people would assume).
This is tough for me to talk about, because people are cruel about understanding BDD. I'm sorry if I come off as angry in this post
I have had constant and tormenting obsessions about how I look (whether I looked ugly, good enough, what people were thinking), compulsive mirror checking, "appearance fixing", constant reassurance seeking, spending hours and hours comparing photos/googling up appearance-related topics, skin picking, etc. All of these habits are ways to relieve the anxiety related to BDD. I don't check the mirror to "adore myself", which is what people would assume. Checking the mirror for me or re-applying makeup is like the OCD person washing their hands.
This is not a fun disorder, and this isn't something that "everybody" has. People are conscious of how they look, but they don't get tormenting anxiety over it or stay isolated in the house. We know the thoughts are irrational and destructive. We know that people in the world are starving and how looks aren't the most important thing to dwell about (this is something that BDDers hear from others, when they try to talk about their problems). We just can't stop doing it.
I do strongly believe NM is responsible for this. Looks, beauty and perfecting flaws have always been a big thing with her. She would scrutinize how I looked, so I would try to look perfect 24/7. I figured the whole world was scrutinizing and judging me, so I developed the BDD habits to help cope with her insane expectations. It was okay for her to criticize how I looked, but it wasn't okay for me to be obsessive. My obsessions "annoyed" her, but she gets to say anything she wants about my weight my hair, my skin, etc.
I have had to go through several different therapists to finally find one that understood body dysmorphic disorder. I also had to a lot of self-help, because it felt like I knew more about BDD than the health professionals out there. Many of them quickly assume that we're vain narcissists, but it's BS.