SilverLining, yes I could choose something I am not so familiar with but in a way that makes making a choice even more difficult

. Spoiled for choice

I think that one of these jobs might suit me best, biggest problem might be maths but the maths "thing" could also be an insecurity thing:
• Actuary
• Biochemistry,biology, neuroscience
• Law, lawyer, attorney
• Economics / economist
• Financial planning / planner
• Philosopher, theology, theologian
• Health / medical sciences, public health
• Researcher or research assistant
• Social sciences (psychology, sociology, political science, history, anthropology, etc.)
• Information / library sciences, librarian
• Critic, critical theory
• Non-fiction writer
• Physician, doctor: neurologist, psychiatrist, pathologist, internal medicine, opthamologist, radiologist
• Pharmacist