Just wondering, since we're talking about fathers ... my son's wife (and especially her mother, but the young wife is rapidly becoming a little clone of her witch mother) left him and took their one month old baby (I know, most of you have read my story before, but just giving a tiny bit of background). I have been comforting myself that the estranged DIL's parents stayed together (the father is, as we say in my part of the country, "whupped"), and the DIL doesn't know that an Nmom and a whupped father isn't normal ... the part that's comforting to me is at least this little baby will grow up with at least part of her time spent in a non-N household.
The DIL didn't really give my son a choice ... he dared stand up to her (after months of trying very hard to just go along to get along), and she immediately left and went home to mama, and filed for divorce. He stood up to her because he wanted me and his dad to be a part of his life, and she said absolutely not. She never seemed to even consider going back to him, so once he dared to stand up to her, it seems like what she really wanted was a sperm donor and a ring, not a real marriage.
Anyway, I hear different things from different people. Some people think they were better off with their dad staying in the marriage (not that my son really had a choice). Others seem to think (as I have been comforting myself) that at least when the parents divorce, they get to experience a non-N household at least part of the time. I have to add that although my son is only 21 and usually 21 year old "men" aren't so swift at seeing their kids a lot ... my son has never in the 3 months of separation EVER missed a visitation session (he gets the baby 4 times a week for 2 hours, when he's off on Sundays he gets her for 4 hours), he is working to get "right of first refusal" where when he's off work and his ex is working he will get to keep the baby even between visitation, and he is going to go for 50/50 time with his daughter by the time she is 3 (courts generally won't grant 50/50 while the mother is nursing, and might not grant overnight visits with him under the age of 30 months, due to their concern with continuity).
So, he wants to be a really active dad, and so I'm wondering if you think that this will help mitigate the damage done by the mother's N personality and the horrible N mother that she is currently living with (we hope she moves out soon but are not holding our breath).