Author Topic: about apologies  (Read 3207 times)


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Re: about apologies
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2010, 10:31:38 PM »
Wow,'s clear you know what you're talking about.
Sounds like there were some huge purges of pain and anger but you did get there...
good for you.

it really is painful when someone continues to attack, because apologising makes one vulnerable.   But you just have to know, you've said the word, and continue your path

You're right, Swimmer. I can only clean up my side of the street.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: about apologies
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2010, 10:41:16 AM »

sorry for the "post & run"... and then disappearance - the move was excruciatingly exhausting and I'm just beginning to recover.

She's blunt and raw and just looking for a target to pin the pain on...

Along the lines of Deb's point (insightful, it was!)... I had a couple thoughts born of being in your shoes a few times, with my own D. There have been periods in her life, when it seemed like she was the sole target of bad fortune, meanness, and that absolutely NOTHING nice could be found coming her way. She made a crusade of "toughing it out"... but occasionally that would also take the form of dishing out just as bad as she thought she had it. And sometimes, she lobbed all that in my direction...

because Mom was "safe"

because maybe Mom would show her another way to handle what was overwhelming her (by being the target and "not playing" the game back)

because she knew that Mom would walk through hell & back with her... and still be able to find something odd, funny - humorous - about the situation to enable her to say: yep, this is a sucky part of life... but there is more to life than just this one part.

I hope things have continued to improve for you both.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: about apologies
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2010, 01:26:27 PM »
Hey PR, welcome home in every way...I bet you're exhausted!
But happy I hope, with some sun out, some breezes from the East...

I am so glad for you. But it'll take a while for it to feel "normal" I'm sure.

Thanks for checking in on me, I'm touched that you remembered.
Your progression/evolution with your D certainly encourages me about mine.

We are doing better. We've been to therapy together about 5 times now and I think it's making more sense.
She continues to sound very negative, but also continues to go, and no longer threatens to drop out of it.

We're also doing the Dave Ramsey class every week, and I think that's bringing us together.

She's still not a warm presence, but she's not attacking, either.
Struggling hard to visualize her own steps out of being stuck in my house.
Working on her own feelings of enmeshment, and I hope slowly recognizing I'm not in the same place.

It will take at least a year economically, and I think she's slowly come to accept that she is where she is.
Her grief and anger over being wrenched away from her dream life (unsustainable) in Miami has been huge.

But all in all, I feel better about it. For now. She is trying her best.

love to you and Mr. PR and all the other PRs too!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: about apologies
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2010, 01:49:19 PM »
But all in all, I feel better about it. For now. She is trying her best.

Great to hear! (((hops)))


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Re: about apologies
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2010, 12:41:14 AM »
i'm coming in late here, Hops, and I haven't read anything except your initial post.  I can understand your frustration.  I can also understand--perhaps even better--your daughter's position.  I grew up in a severely narcissistic household.  My father is both N and sociopathic (or psychopathic, depending on the parameters).  My mother is inverted N inverted S, deeply dependent, always looking for a savior, meaning me, as the only daughter.


I distrust apologies.  I see them as opportunities for manipulation, because in my life, that's how they were used.  Someone starts apologizing I shrink like a snail under salt, because it's all lies.

IF your daughter has had this experience, maybe all it will take is a few (yeah, could be a long time) instances where her expectations are NOT met.  Where there are NO negative repercussions for believing good will come.  Where you just put what's right out there, and let it hang.  Hard as that may be.


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Re: about apologies
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2010, 07:08:53 AM »
Thanks, Gjazz...

Makes a lot of sense.

Having her negative expectations NOT met, often enough to turn the ship in the other direction.

I'll put that "out there".

Your parents were a pair. I can see why you wouldn't trust an apology.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."