(((((((((((Hi Swimmer))))))))))))
I completely understand what you are going through. I have the same problem with my relatives, including my NMs sister, my Aunt, who I believe to be an NM herself (or maybe its just the restraining order my cousin had to get back in '84 to keep his NM away from his baby daughter and his wife....hmmmmm) Anyway, I know that I am being judged by my relatives about my relationship with my Mother, yet they have no idea how she verbally abuses me privately. My NM also does not believe that negativity, comparison, undermining, demeaning, devaluing and lying is a form of VA, she only believes it exists in the form of "you are a thoughtless little pig" (thank you Alec Baldwin) and "I wish you were never born" and other assorted profanities.
Awhile back I decided people kind of fit into three categories - acquaintances (co-workers, activity/volunteer friends, professional contacts etc) that have no business knowing my family business and I tell them so, with "my family is fine, thanks for asking" fine meaning, I can handle it just fine. Some of these people like to pry, possibly to use it against me in the future, so there is good professional reason to be guarded. The second group is probably the people I could share this information with the true friends, close friend, family that might understand or care enough to understand. I've noticed that they by their choices with me, put themselves into one category or another. One is the judgement category, which means they don't understand, nor do they care to go beyond their comfort zone and see new things. The second category is the people who accept me as I am. even with the feelings I have toward NM, even in cases where they dont understand the Nism, they seem to accept me. Those are the real gems which I keep a mental note of and in some ways, because of this, I have a more special relationship with them.
Swimmer, I totally get what you are going through. I'm 41 and have missed my chance to have a family because I have been spent so much time doubting myself, there was no time for anything else. My NM sabotaged anything I did up until I discovered her Nism in 2008. I am still working through it.... but have a long way to go. Hopefully, I'll a family of my own is in my future, and it will be one without my NM in it. Be grateful and attentive to your husband and daughter (it sounds liek you already are;) they are precious.