Kelly, we are in this drama together, with the NM. If you read my Blackie/Whitie thread, I go day by day trying to figure out the whys and hows.
Little by little I do, I think.
It is really too horrible to contemplate how the N M really is.It is like a horror movie and you DON"T want to see the monster. You KNOW the monster is there but you hide your eyes and hide your face cuz it is too bad
I realized that she had a death script for me. *I* was supposed to die(many forms of death----loss of self esteem, loss of identity, go crazy etc) so she could be the good one.
That is how she wanted it to play out.
Tell me--WHO can wrap their mind around THAT and stay sane?
I became insane, if you could call it that ,which you could LOL
So, I think you are doing what I am doing-----trying to understand why.
I feel quite certain she WILL come through for you in the end
ALSO, my discernment for you still stands. I have never been wrong on medical issues. When I feel someone will be Okk, they always have been.
x o x o Ami