My N step-daughter will be visiting in about a month or so. She is most assuredly a somatic narcissist. She is emotionally manipulative and abusive and all the sneaky, bad N things. She's abused me in the past and my husband (her father) continually, and now I fear the abuse will touch my kids.
I feel as if my N mother is coming to visit. I have been NC with NM for two years now. I have been getting the help I need to move on with my life and I am learning how to have good relationships, etc. But, now this upcoming visit from psycho stepdaughter has me frightened. I don't know exactly why. But part of it is - what if my husband does not recognize the abuse and does not back me up if I need to disengage myself and my kids from her. He has basically been passive in the past when she heaps on the abuse and does not believe she is as bad as I know she is.
I know I should put into practice all the N armour - such as making sure I am not alone with her, making sure I have a get away plan, giving her the medium chill treatment, etc. But, I am sure my husband will end up blaming me if I have to actually use these defensive maneuvers. He would rather preserve a fake, saccharin relationship with his N daughter than act in an assertive manner and tell her to stop.
Anything you all can think of would surely be appreciated. My children are very young and impressionable, and my foremost concern is protecting them from her extremely insidious denigrations. My gut tells me to get out of Dodge. But hubby wants his daughter to see her step-siblings, etc. blah blah blah
It is so easy sometimes to see clearly what others are going through, but when it is about me, I have a hard time getting my mind past the emotion so as to be logical and helpful to myself.