One of my issues is that I dont feel right about calling my childhood experiences as neglect or abuse. It would make nonsense of the word, and it would make it meaningless for those who actually did suffer neglect or abuse.
What there WAS was a kind of hidden intent some of which I absorbed and then, not understanding what was driving me, I proceeded to act out in addictive, abusive relationships, as, I think an attempt to externailise it and thereby to bring resolution.
I think it was these extremes we lived in, me and my sibs were 'given everything', except normality. We had holidays in the mountains, went swimming, had wonderful books and stories etc. You just cannot call this neglect or abuse, it simply isnt the same thing. I think if one tries to cram everything under the same label, the power of a hidden dynamic is missed. Thats why Im drawn to words like 'toxic'/ 'poison', ~ because these show the hidden, non-trauma non external - and yet ultimately corrosive quality, it seems just important to me to be accurate, and that these different types of dynamic whether the shocking neglect and abuse, or this more hidden thing come from the same route, the NARCISSISM, - that word explains the DYNAMIC, and the MOTIVATION that is hidden underneath.
I think this is important for many reasons, partly that these distorted patterns of human motivation are structured into society all over the place anyway. What is environmental destruction? - but extreme irresponsibility combined with consumer greed and denial, all these things surely are linked at the root with the disorders of the self amongst humans, whether enacted in the world, or within the family.
I think for me, my issue is no longer my childhood, but the continuatin of the dynamics that I see perpetuated, yes, even in therapy institutions, where they have failed to understand these things, so much opportunity to help is being missed - from what I can see. This is what keeps me in so many ways feeling unresolved not at peace within myself.