Hi HeartofPilgrimage,
My FOO who I lived with included my mother (OCPD and N), my step-dad (OCPD), my oldest brother (N), another brother, and a youngest brother (OCPD). My mother, step-dad, and oldest brother mentally/emotionally abused me from a young age. I did not cling to any of them. I do not understand why, except that I found solace in retreating into myself. No safe place existed.
When my bio-father picked me up from my FOO, I knew what was coming and he became the person I clung to no matter how sadistic he was. His boyfriend was equally sadistic. I can relate to that 'run away, no, find safety' mixed message.
I did become a highly functioning multiple in order to survive the ordeals both my FOO and bio-father put me through.