Author Topic: Phamily  (Read 1428 times)


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« on: March 28, 2010, 12:04:55 PM »
I'm beginning to think "family" is a bully-word like "normal", that we use to beat ourselves up with.

I think it's been healing to make my OWN. So I did that with a few friends and a church community.

But I also think there's another kind of fantasy family.  I'll call it phamily (like phatasmagoria, but good). With Family, the whole blood thing is that it is what it is and never can or will change. Aacck.

But PHamily, because it's a phantasm, it shifts and changes, and that's okay, that's its very nature. Nothing wrong with that at all. So people in my phamily (which is in my head, not the community) can be in and out. Phamily is my grateful reminding myself of the people who sustain and love and help me. Family's performance that way, at least most of them, has been pretty rocky or destructive, except for my Dad. But phamily is the current group in my heart, alive or dead, that very day, who are in reality actually being a sustaining nurturing source of life for me.)

In my phamily (which can be, but doesn't have to be, a CHANGING list):

My Dad's memory (the gentle one--I talk to him)
My old man friend A. who recently died (talk to him too)
My female friends
VESMB individuals
VESMB collectively
A few male friends
One coworker
My dog
Animals in general
Some authors
The earth

My D's not in my phamily right now but she will be again, I have faith. (I'm not in her phamily right now either.) My NMom actually does appear in mine at times. Sometimes I access the rare times when she had dug deep and actually was mothering me emotionally for a fleeting moment. When I let those in and feel comforted by letting that memory grow large, it's healing, and she's in the phamily. (Not for long but that's okay, not her fault and it doesn't matter how long one's in or out of the phamily, there are no judgements involved because it's only about maintaining something nurturing and positive in my mind.) It's not about someone being "good enough" to be in my phamily, EVERYONE deserves a phamily. It's a private creation, my phamily. It's not about power or judgment but about comfort and nurturing for me in that time

It's my phamily, I get to populate it and define it. It's not about biology, it's about always knowing, like the needle in a compass, that there is always love and support in my phamily just as reliably as there WOULD have been in my family if it were available. When I freak out about getting love from a specific family member I want it from, I set myself up for heartbreak. When I remind myself, I've got a phamily, and there is always love...I'm okay. I never, ever have to be "good enough" for my phamily. My phamily only exists when I decide it's real for me, that a name or source is actually sustaining and loving in the way I wasted years longing for certain family to do.)

Phamily CAN do it! Because that's exactly all it is!

Anyway, I think you can give up on family. Sometimes it's the life-affirming thing to do, just to release your relatives to be who they are.

But not phamily!

If you claim your right to build (and change as it invites being changed) your phamily, family can't hurt you any more.

Phamily can be one person. One person and a dog. Two people and 1 book. An entire choir you sing with. There are no rules. More is not better than fewer. Phamily is what feels right for YOU for it to be.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Phamily
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 12:13:44 PM »
Thanks, Hops!  I vow to rejoice in my phamily today and leave the painful stuff of family set at the side of the road today. 
Love, Biddy


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Re: Phamily
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 01:28:54 PM »
You're welcome ((((((((Biddy))))))))).

Love to you and your phamily,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Phamily
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 06:23:11 PM »
Exactly and right on Hops. I wrote my 'anything' memory before I read this, but I think it fits.

Hey: release your relatives to be who they are. - I know what you mean Hops and I agree, BUT...but..but...(wait, I still have a dark sense of humour deep down here..) ..release them? <chuckling very darkly> .... not bloody likely.

I love your list. Hey we have some mutual phamily members :D 


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Re: Phamily
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 08:53:25 PM »
Anyway, I think you can give up on family. Sometimes it's the life-affirming thing to do, just to release your relatives to be who they are.

Oh, there is so much wisdom in that one sentence, Hops.

For me, releasing my family and just letting them be who they are--personality disorders and all--means that I also release myself from the fantasy that I can change, fix, or heal their illness. It also means letting go of any expectations that I can somehow make them love me the way I want them to. It means, for me, giving up trying to control the uncontrollable.

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Re: Phamily
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 09:38:00 AM »
Hey - glad someone understood what I was babbling about!  :D  You made my vague ideas sound so... coherent... Hops!

Your "Phamily" is exactly what I was trying to get out of my head into words. Mine consists of one boss (yep - there are some really good ones out there!), a handful of art teachers who could see that making images was my own art therapy, some old hippies, my tai chi teacher and classmates, a couple of professors that I worked with, my T - definitely, some hacker-techie types, some bikers, lots of artisans, a motley crew of people in different places - from different times.

"Phamily" kinda functions like a spiritual guide - even though many of these people are no longer actively part of my life, I can still access their acceptance, warmth and wisdom in memory and dreams. Sometimes, something they actually said many years ago will come up and I'll finally "get it".

With a "Phamily" - I'm never completely "alone", wandering aimlessly like an orphan through my life. The different folks in my "Phamily" help me to recognize people in present real life that I can (and probably should) trust and open up to. That gives me a threshold in "real life" for the kind of relationships and network of people I can truly count on (who've got my back) and who will give me honest feedback when I'm being unfair to myself or starting to believe my own BS.

And that's enough for me.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.

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Re: Phamily
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2010, 10:51:40 PM »
I LOVE phamily!!!!!
Gotta write a book and share it with the world!!!!!
Such a fabulous concept.  I love the dynamic aspect - it breathes like the ocean, it has life and ebbs and flows.