Author Topic: How's it going, Izzy?  (Read 1091 times)


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How's it going, Izzy?
« on: March 30, 2010, 08:44:35 AM »
How about an update, Izz.



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Re: How's it going, Izzy?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2010, 02:47:54 PM »
Thank you for asking Mo2,

I need a place to vent, as in about 3 weeks my lawyer comes for an update, and he has been fixing things, advocating, for me all along.

It was one year Mar 27, and I still have pain, backaches, tics and tremors and shaking (neurological re my spine I expect, so see a Neurologist on May 31) and cannot move my leg up and out while sitting. I must ‘place’ it, manually, where I want it.

I tire easily so haven’t much oomph for gallivanting. I am to be rehabilitated to a point of independent living, as I was before, and am not there yet. I wanted my new Win 7 computer long before this and finally gave it a whirl. I called in a computer lady, who online shopped with me and we chose what I wanted. Then I went to the store, she came and took the computer in her car and brought it up when my van reached home. It was 10 minutes late arriving and 15 minutes early to pick me up at the store---oh to have my car on the road again, and use my own timing! We had ˝ hour to choose the computer and accessories but a good $deal and am still transferring some files, but plan on using both computers, so that I don’t have to upgrade some of my favourite software.

I was up at 6:00 the next day for her at 11:00 and she was here until 2:45. I went into pain! Too long sitting, but have to do it or never know. My therapist was coming at 4:30 and I don’t do things to mess up my exercises, so I asked her for a different order, and she complied (she is great) with the one that hurts the most at the end, and I managed all 20 x each, as we worked out the kinks.  A lesson learned. That was just before I was to begin 30 x each and some new exercises.

I now have a hand held shower, so will be finally washing my own hair, will soon have a lap apparatus that will make my lap level for carrying things, will be doing my own laundry. I can dust at my level, but not ‘run back and forth’ in the ‘chair while sweeping the carpet, as I use my hips and that aggravates the pain. I can strip the bed but not make it from scratch. I checked out a test cushion for my 1” shorter leg, but need something different, with a ‘cutaway’? The leg difference is not noticeable to others, as I am sitting all the time, but noticeable to me, as the back of my left knee is cut into by the chair upholstery and cushion, causing skin breaks and a bad ache.

This time is far more complicated than 40 years ago, and soon the Insurance Co. is likely to say, ‘enough of that’ and cut all funding, then the rest becomes part of my Claim, for loss, pain and suffering. I can hire Karla for therapy on my own, have a home worker come in etc. and *I* have to pay. I don’t know if my lawyer will advise to settle out of court, as I had the impression that *this* one he wants in a court room.

A year ago I was hallucinating on the drugs and sleeping with my eyes open watching the quiet nurses on duty, but they whispered so I made my own script to their actions. It was terrifying as the N was in those hallucinatory nightmares and I was sure I was imprisoned and he was planning to kill me. Now my not-on-drugs nightmares are still about him and I am ever so happy to wake up alone in tremors and shaking but safe. That just proves to me that the N is one’s life is a nightmare worse than this prolonged recovery. Even my daughter’s N shows up in my nightmares.

My gnashing teeth (think seizure) from the tremors have been knocked out of line and I think there are 2 that might have to be removed, after an 18 month gap in check-ups--was due for a 6 mo. check just after the accident and again this past fall.

My sister will be here in less than a month’s time but I have forewarned her about my awful schedule. She is still willing to come, wants to come. 

40, almost 41, years ago I was in the hospital and Rehab for one year and went from total paralysis to ambulating on crutches, but there was no pain. This is so different, and it appears that the stronger my muscles become the less the pain will be!

Love Izzy
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: How's it going, Izzy?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2010, 04:08:13 PM »
What a long and interesting journey, Izz.

I'm interested in your sister's upcoming visit.

How do feel about it?

Who's idea was it?

What do you plan to do this time'round?

Sorry to hear about the chair biting into back of leg and the damage to teeth from knashing.

So many things to get straightened out.



May you get your legal and physical troubles squared away soon.

If you go to court, will there be a jury, or single Judge?

Do you have a choice?


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Re: How's it going, Izzy?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 12:19:45 AM »
Long and interesting..... and sometimes very exasperating, because I cannot do so much because of the pain...after living close to 70 years without pain, generally speaking and, even though it has calmed, when it stabs me, it is as excruciating as a year ago. So I have become somewhat 'lazy' and think it will be difficult if I have to get back into the swing of housekeeping.

My sister suggested coming, for last Fall or this Spring. We have been emailing an awful lot since this accident, as she is the one who came just the once,in 1969, brought my 5 yr old daughter the once and we have had scraps about that! We are trying to be as sisters are thought to be, sharing and caring, so as long as she is taking this to heart, and even though my initial reactions was...One Whole Week Together? 24 Hours a Day? With MY schedule of eating, sleeping, waking, always at the computer (well now I have one for her)...she will go nuts, but she said she will honour my needs and live with them, I said to come along and see for herself. So we plan on making the best of my routine, which is by no means..routine.

She can go for walks, whatever, even said she would get up in the night when I cannot sleep, as she has no responsibilties (except to cook my birthday dinner and buy a cake!...she said)  :lol: She is planning this, giving up her work, and upon going back has two big events to plan for and one calls for some painting and fixing up the house. All I know is that I must do what I have been doing, mostly, in not pushing myself into any setbacks

When my lawyer comes on Apr 22, being a year has passed, I will now ask what he/we are going to do, settle or go to court, and in court it could be either, just a Judge, or Judge and Jury. This is because I see that my lawyer doesn't see me as a sickly frail old lady on the verge of croaking (The gal who delivered my groceries today stayed for a chat, and thought I was in my 50s.) and would prefer that I be seen in Court, and deserving of a higher settlement for the years ahead, and not ready to croak in a week. However ICBC is known to settle out of court rather than have the case splashed in the papers..setting precedents?
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: How's it going, Izzy?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 05:28:18 AM »
I know two things, Izzy......

you deserve to have your sister visit and fuss over you.

You deserve a fair settlement in court.... it should be understood you're not the typical Amazon; )
