Hi Sealynx,
I get what you mean about needing to feel 'chased'; that describes how I feel all the time. If I'm not 'doing' something I feel like I need to justify it - ie, it's alright to take time off if I'm ill but not just because I want to. I'm trying to work on not giving excuses when I say no (having finally learnt to say no!). So rather than feeling I have to justify it to someone just being able to say "Sorry, I don't have time right now" or even just "No, I can't do that" (wow that feels scary!) I want to have a more relaxed, fulfilling life, where I enjoy doing things rather than rushing from one thing to another constantly.
Yes, I overload myself as well! I set myself completely unrealistic goals - today i will clear all my paperwork, walk two miles, dig over the flower bed and decorate the house! Crazy stuff, then I beat myself up because I don't get it all done. Am working on making me a priority and putting other stuff second but it's hard!
Ha ha, I like ironing! I know, I'm a wierdo. It's a shame we're not neighbours, I could do yours for you

Will google Voluntary Simplicity, sounds like a nice concept

Hi Kathy,
Now that does make sense, an overdeveloped sense of urgency is a good description, I feel like everything has to be done right now but actually there's usually nothing that couldn't be put off for a while. I am trying to stop doing it, like you say, the groceries can wait. I have a friend who never worries about stuff, he just gets on with things, potters about and is really laid back. I'd love to be like that.

Thanks for all your responses, it's nice to know it's not just me! Hugs to everyone xx