Author Topic: My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .  (Read 23731 times)


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2004, 05:29:02 PM »
I am the guest who made that last post.

I forgot to cast my vote.

My vote was that CG stays.

I've changed my mind.

CG should go.

Run for the hills, CG - before you are sucked dry by all the needs on this board.  They won't let you go until they've all had a piece of you, kicked you around, picked over the bones.  That's what they do to good people here.

Run, CG, run!!!!!!!


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2004, 05:47:35 PM »
The posting above is the exact kind that runs help seekers and companion seekers away.

Ya know poster, we have all been hurt and we all lash out sometimes, but do you really have to be this mean? :cry:


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2004, 06:18:36 PM »
This board needs a freekin' moderator or two. To let it go on like this is kind of irresponsible. I'm sure there would be volunteers from the board if Dr. G put out the word.

Separate threads for certain topics and moderate to keep it in tact.  Right now it is like usenet or newsgroups, which are the wild west of online chat. Anything goes; abuse--bullying--arguments that literally last for

I was under the impression this board was a notch up from usenet & most emotional health related forums like this do moderate with great success. The boards thrive & the communities are caring & supportive with a lot of healing taking place.

What can I say  :(


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2004, 07:37:51 PM »
Initially this post appeared quite benign to me. So I dismissed it. Then the following responses caused me to go back and have another read. I read it again. I found in it very directed and specific and many very strong and pointed remarks.

Quote from: dharma
Like the seasons, everything has it's turn. The trick is knowing when to stay in a situation and when you'd be better off leaving a situation.
This thread is about CG. Quit playing games. You are meaning CG right from the beginning.

I think there are people here who actually should leave.
I agree. And I notice the plural (people). I agree with that too.

I think their time is done. I don't know if CG is one of these people and can't really say that about anyone.
You just did. And i'll get to it.

But I think it's something to think about.
I agree.

If you're here mainly as a rambler and not contributing to other threads, then maybe you should take the discussions to another place?
Rambler? We all know who the ramblers are here on this board. 2 main people. Portia and CG. That's what all these ongoing stinks are about. Thats' what this thread is about. Quit playing games. Yes, that's right I said "don't play games". Your comment are so very pointed and specific. And which rambler could you possibly be referring to? Duh? Let me guess?

Who else on this board only contributes to one thread regularly. There is only one. CG. We all know that. Come on!! Knock it off!! Stop treating people like idiots.

Cut out trying to pretend you're talking to or about anybody else but CG. You're here to tell the board that CG should go. Nothing wrong with that. And actually, surprise, I agreew with you !!!! That is my vote too!!!!

CG should go!!!!

I am reacting to you because I don't like the way you're casting your vote!! By manipulation. 1 vote your way isn't as effective as manipulating 10 votes your way is it? On reading I see you trying to do that  in a slimey sneaky N way. Next i expect a reply from you like this. With that fake wide eyed innocent look we all recognise. Tht old "Who Me? No you misunderstood" crap and BS!

Why don't you just come out and cast your vote honestly. Instead of all that winding slithering crap you just cloaked it in.  Pretending to be confused and unsure.

I put a question mark there because I'm not trying to mandate anything but to really have yourself ask the question of whether you should be here. Are you helping or hurting?

Is that it? Black and white rules and thinking. People only help or hurt here! And there is no in between. Can people decide to do neither here? Will you allow them to stay? How about those who just lurk and read and learn and not want contribute at all? By your selfish narrow-minded  standard they shouldn't be here either. Is that the next thing to be forbidden too, because it's not helping, so dudh!!! it must be hurting. BS!What if people read and just want ask questions sometimes and don't even bother thanking or replying. Should they go too!

Popcorn Anyone


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2004, 08:13:49 PM »
For god's sake CG and personalities {duh! who else would get so defensive and ugly over it}  shut the <bleep> up!!!

Skip on over to the BPD board--or have you met too many of your matches there?    They let you know what it feels like to have one of you on the board I bet!    And ya can't take it long-eh?

Came here to hassle the "normal" people I guess???  

Or maybe take up residence on the "I don't get it , never did, and never will" forum--   I see great things for you in such a place ~~Member Of The Month!~~

Give it a freakin' rest!!!!!!!!


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2004, 08:36:11 PM »
Actually, I didn't mean CG. I don't read her posts. So there was a presupposition that I did by someone who is being defensive I guess.

I can't say any one person should leave as a matter of fact. That is for the person to decide. Ask yourself why you come here and decide whether it is right for you and others for you to be here. Do you contribute in a positive way? Do you come here just out of habit? Do you come to seek drama or conflict?

These are some questions I think every single person here should ask and probably many more I hadn't thought of. I think things run their course and maybe it's time for some to move on is all. That includes me when my time is up. For some, they may be here for years.

But I think it's legitimate to ask the questions. I didn't have any one person in mind and I'm sorry that I didn't clarify better.



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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #36 on: October 27, 2004, 08:38:14 PM »
Run for the hills, CG - before you are sucked dry by all the needs on this board. They won't let you go until they've all had a piece of you, kicked you around, picked over the bones. That's what they do to good people here.

Run, CG, run!!!!!!!

Oh...puh-leeze...  CG is eating this garbage up with a spoon.  ~slurp~


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2004, 08:50:57 PM »
Popcorn anyone,

I just reread your post again and I didn't mean it to sound like there were just the two options. I guess I just figured people could fill in the gray areas which always exist. Nothing is ever black and white to be sure.


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2004, 09:45:26 PM »
The reason I do not completely read the posts on this site, Ramble and Romper is that I am completely lost!

I cannot keep up with any of you!

That's my problem - not yours. So I just skip over the posts that get confusing. Since others respond, I assume they know what is going on... But there seems to be a lot of caps, bold, and color! That's about all I notice.

Sorry if I offend - seems to be the theme of the day. Not bashing anyone - just making an observation.

Lost Observer


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2004, 09:46:13 PM »
I got where you were coming from the first time around Dharma.You explained well. It's easy to see if you are not the person who feels the comments were directed toward them.

Only the very person who feels the comments were directed toward them would be super sensitive enough to take it personally and reply accordingly <hint-hint ;->


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2004, 11:17:32 PM »
S, you are making me laugh because your style is so distinctive, you may as well sign in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2004, 05:15:27 AM »
Sadly some people that frequent this forum are attention whores and I feel that this is a place for emotional support not gossip circles and pot stirring.


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2004, 06:47:06 AM »
Who are all you guys? Dharma I know who you are. I might have a chat later if that’s okay with you.

It’s great when an unknown guest says something helpful (Voice of Reason thank you). It’s not so great when no-name guests spat because no-one knows who anyone is. Well I’m me, I’m here again, I haven’t gone. Any named Guest want to talk to me? I can’t address the guest posts above coz there are some really cruel words up there. Cruel because anyone could take them to be directed at them. And some of us (like me) are very good at doing that. I’m wondering if I’m an “attention-whore”. What a fantastically descriptive expression! Attention whore…Marilyn Monroe maybe?

Ah heck: “emotional support”. Please define. Not gossip? Not conflict? What is it then? What’s emotional support? Just people posting and never interacting? Please don’t bother. I’m just making a point that language is very tricky.

Hey CG how you doing?  :D I think the vote’s in your favour! You okay? P


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2004, 07:44:00 AM »
I have not posted here since I posted back to Portia yesterday.

All the accusations!!!   All the abusive stuff!!!

Is this appropriate here?

I just don't understand.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


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My Vote Is - CG Should Leave .
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2004, 09:16:28 AM »
before you are sucked dry by all the needs on this board. They won't let you go until they've all had a piece of you, kicked you around, picked over the bones. That's what they do to good people here.

The posting above is the exact kind that runs help seekers and companion seekers away.

Ya know poster, we have all been hurt and we all lash out sometimes, but do you really have to be this mean?  

Did you really think it was 'mean'???  Who was it mean to?  It's the absolute truth from my perspective and experience of this board.