Author Topic: Cathy O'Brien speaks on mind control PT 1 of 2  (Read 1075 times)


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Cathy O'Brien speaks on mind control PT 1 of 2
« on: April 12, 2010, 01:50:09 AM » is part 1

and part 2 is to the right.

I believe this, as she mentions Ewen Cameron in some of her longer speeches, and he was a Dutch psychiatrist, living in the USA, but who worked in Canada, at Allen Memorial Institute, near our Capital, Ottawa, and was brain washing patients (with just post partum depression to even less or just a bit more), i.e. wiping clean their minds via electroshock treatments, (up to 600 blasts) then putting them to sleep for up to 80 days, in diabetic? comas, with looped messages playing constantly on tape under their pillow.

The thing is, I remember all that and reading, in the paper, about it in the late '50s and early '60s before the truth came to light... Cameron died iin '67. (I'd be 27) but the personal injury claims went on into the early '90s. $100, 000.00 per patient!

....that the USA Government AND (I am ashamed to say) the Canadian Government, both, funded this brain washing research. At the bottom of it all was the CIA.

....but the big thing for me is that I now understand compartmentalization, and I am on a far, far smaller scale than she. My traumas are compartmentalized, and I speak as though about another person, and  my feelings, though compartmentalized, are there, but as though I once felt them, then 'put them away' in order to never be hurt again... and it works!

I refuse to go through deprogramming at my age, just to feel and experience it all over again, and for whom??? I will live in my compartments!

Does any of this sound like an N Mother?

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"