The advisement went fine. Turned out she's not my advisor anyway. Good Grief Charlie Brown! So now I have to go see the professor who I originally thought was my advisor. i like her. She's tough as nails and a stickler for the rules but she's fair. Kinda ticked off about the run around they've given me for the last two semesters on advisors though.
This morning in the original prof's class she was in a really good mood and treating people really nicely. She was now oohing and ahhing over the thing my classmate did with the female veteran's and ptsd. I think I know why...we got to evaluate her today! Ahhh, beautiful. I was professional and laid out the facts of why she was a crazy nutbag. Not in those exact words though lol. No, I believe several of my classmates wrote a pretty harsh evaluation of her. It sounded like it was done to the point and professionally though. That's the only way they'll listen to what you have to say anyway. Getting to tell the truth is sweet revenge. I gotta try and not be too jubilant about this lol.
This woman is really strange. She was practically kissing my butt in the advisement today. I think she was waiting to see if I had a negative attitude coming in there. But I was polite and professional. By this time I had lost almost all of my case of nerves. I'm finding that I kind of feel sorry for her. She is all about what people think about her. She's always bragging about how certain past students just adore her. It's just pathetic really.
Oh well, it's over and the class is almost over. I stood my ground and got it done. She did ask why the corner I sit in is always talking. She asked who sat back there. She has 15 students in this class and she doesn't know who sits back there? And I told her that no, we really don't talk much at all and there are conversations going on all around the classroom. She tried to pinpoint one of my classmates and say she was doing it and that she was annoying because she asks questions all the time. I stood up for my classmate. I've been in several classes with her and have gotten to know her well. She is a fine, intelligent woman who comes off as a little air headed at first. I had a group project with her last semester and told the prof how she was the one that got us organized and was an integral part of our team. The prof backed down about her after that. I think the prof likes to play students against each other. Definitely picks favorites and unfavorites.
i feel really good right now. I stood up for my classmates and for my self in the meeting. I believe I might be feeling a little proud of myself right now.
