Author Topic: Welcome to Romper Room!  (Read 32278 times)


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Welcome to Romper Room!
« Reply #135 on: October 29, 2004, 06:00:06 PM »
Guest wrote:
"Why the hell are you picking on Solace now??? They are very mean words - spiteful words that are quoted and used. You are trying to pick a fight. Solace won't fight you - are you trying to push her til she will?? She prides herself, I suspect, on not responding to people picking on her. What good are you doing?

She said her husband is not a paedophile and that he did not molest anybody. You and I know nothing of the situation other than what she has posted - you pick and choose which of her words you believe - see a one-sided situation, don't allow for confusion.

Accept her words. Don't use mean words as weapons. It's obvious you are trying to hurt her. Shame on you.

Ah - did things start to calm down in this thread? Were kind words spoken? Is that the problem? "

Thankyou for your support.  I'm starting to believe what is said that someone will always protect you here, even me.  I see some other kind words in others posts too and I see misinformation being repeated.  There are some things I've written that may have been missed in other posts.

My children don't live with me.  One is an adult.  I was appart from my husband for years and I never stopped nurturing my children.  My kids and I have close relationships and our family is healing.  My daughter says quite opposite things to the things you seem to think she must feel but I don't want to minimize your feelings.  It does feel to me like some are picking and choosing what to believe or allowing imagination or their own experience to get into my situation and somehow become real.  It's hard for you too, if you haven't read everything I've posted and I understand that.  You don't have all the information and I keep adding bits but they must either be missed or omitted or not believed.  I don't feel comfortable talking about it but it seems necessary.  It takes all of my courage to speak here because I feel battered sometimes.  There are no groups for the women you speak of.

To some who've had experience with molestation--your experience is different than what happened in my family.  I know you have suffered but please don't make me suffer any more because of what you might be associating with me.

If I think about robbing a bank and I offer to rob a bank, does that make me a bank robber?  If I stop myself from robbing the bank and then later admit that I thought about robbing the bank and offered to rob a bank, does that make me a bank robber?  If I'm truly interested in making sure that I never, ever, rob a bank, then I stand up and say that I thought about robbing a bank, I offered to rob a bank, I stopped myself from robbing the bank, and now I admit that I did those things.  I've never thought of robbing a bank since then and I'm not thinking of robbing any banks and it's been terribly hard to admit that I did what I did and I want you to know this so that you can talk about it with me and remind me about that time I thought about robbing the bank and I can feel comfortable talking about it with you and if I ever think of robbing a bank again, then I will feel safe enough to tell you and you can help me get help so I won't ever offer to rob a bank.  I haven't even considered robbing a bank since then but punish me good so I won't forget that time and that punishment will be another deterrent.  As a matter of fact, punish me as if I robbed a bank and used a gun and kidnapped a teller and stole a whole lot of money.  Punish me and punish me punish me, over and over because I deserve it because I thought about robbing a bank and I offered to rob a bank.  Punish me but don't punish my wife or her children because everything is all my fault.  Everybody else's reaction is my fault and everybody else's behaviour is my fault and every thing that is wrong with everything is all my fault.  I won't ever offer to rob a bank again, I know it.   I knew it was wrong and I still know it and will punish myself for it forever and I want to somehow  make up for everything that's happened and everyone I've hurt.  I will take all responsibility for everything and I will talk to you about this because I never intend to think about robbing banks again but I want to be sure I have a safe place to talk about robbing banks in case that thought ever pops into my mind again.  I know I'm not a bank robber and the tests and assessors say I'm not a bank robber but I did think about robbing a bank and offer to rob a bank and I won't ever deny that or let my responsibility to myself and those around me go to the wayside.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


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« Reply #136 on: October 29, 2004, 06:14:21 PM »
Offering to do something sexual to a child is not the same thing as thinking about robbing a bank.


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« Reply #137 on: October 29, 2004, 06:36:57 PM »
If there's no difference between thinking about something and 'doing' something then an awful lot of guest poster on this forum must be dead by now!!!



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« Reply #138 on: October 29, 2004, 06:49:31 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
If there's no difference between thinking about something and 'doing' something then an awful lot of guest poster on this forum must be dead by now!!!


Rapid response : 10/10 Accuracy 10/10  :wink:


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« Reply #139 on: October 29, 2004, 07:03:02 PM »
You can think about robbing a bank, and even tell others about it.  But, if you do not follow through, you have not committed a single crime.

Once you offer or ask for sex from a minor, you have broken the law.  Why do you think they set up these internet stings?   Once the guy shows up for sex, he is immediately arrested.   He is filed on and has to register as a sex offender.  Just because he didn't get a chance to follow through does not mean he is innocent.  



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« Reply #140 on: October 29, 2004, 07:06:20 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: Anonymous
If there's no difference between thinking about something and 'doing' something then an awful lot of guest poster on this forum must be dead by now!!!


Rapid response : 10/10 Accuracy 10/10  :wink:

An offer to another person (in this situation, specifically, a child), is an overt act.

It is not the same thing as "thinking" about doing something, and thinking about robbing a bank is no where near the same thing as thinking about doing something sexual to a child and then taking the overt step to "offer" that sexual service to the child.


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Re: Welcome to Romper Room!
« Reply #141 on: October 29, 2004, 07:07:46 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
You can think about robbing a bank, and even tell others about it.  But, if you do not follow through, you have not committed a single crime.

Once you offer or ask for sex from a minor, you have broken the law.  Why do you think they set up these internet stings?   Once the guy shows up for sex, he is immediately arrested.   He is filed on and has to register as a sex offender.  Just because he didn't get a chance to follow through does not mean he is innocent.  


Exactly.  One is an overt act, a crime, the other is not.


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« Reply #142 on: October 29, 2004, 07:34:34 PM »
My husband committed a crime is correct.

He is not a pedophile is also correct (according to what I've been told, seen documented etc by those who know and test and try to help correct the problem).  His behaviour since is the biggest indicator.

Robbing a bank is definately entirely a different crime.  I'm trying to help you see that he did also rob a bank.  He robbed my bank.  My emotional bank.  And that my sister robbed my bank too.  And there is only sooo much money in it.  I'm also asking if you want to rob my bank too????  I don't believe you do.  Nor do I want to rob yours.

I want to deal with me.  With my bank.  I need your help.  Not in correcting what he did to rob it because he is doing his best about that and I feel alright about the way things are going.  But to help me sort out and somehow live with the robbery my sister committed.  And she did do that.  It's my feeling.   I am not a criminal.  I am not the abuser.  I am a victim of the first crime and part of the correction, and I want to help myself correct the second one because the person who did that is not taking responsibility for her behaviour.  It may never happen.

No insult to anyone.  No harm to anyone meant.  Does having n traits make one an n?  Does living with an n make one an n?  Or do those things have an effect that can be dealt with and improved?  That's why I'm here.  I need help and information.  I need support.  I need kind words to help me deal with the hurt that's bothering me.  I don't need to relive the hurts I've been through.  Or redeal with those.  I'm trying hard to just be honest and to be considerate.  I do care about you.  All of you.  All of you have had hurts too and need support and information too, right?

I better not spend any more time on here.  

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


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« Reply #143 on: October 29, 2004, 07:41:46 PM »
Thomas is now the one keeping the pot stirred, and the thread going when it might have died out already. It would be
better for everyone if he privately contacts Phoenix if he wishes to play analyst.

Yep! I couldn't agree more!  He's all excited about what he calls his exceptional "T" skills on a Myers-Briggs test score. So, now he's Mr. armchair "expert" {nooooot!!!}.  The boy needs to sit his butt in university for a few years and keep quiet with the analysing {say whatever else you want} until finals are done and the degree is on the wall.  

Thomas writes:
I will dare to speak up here. Why do you feel to silence and riducule my right.

I'm not telling you not to write-- I'd never do that. Just to quit the annoying know-it-all analysing and superhero syndrome.  

And as far as ridcule...  well... how to put it delicately....  Like out of the mouth of a babe standing over a broken ming vase-- "It was already like that when I got here"!

Thomas writes:What I am doing is attempting to assist the board and you in particular.

Well now, you see, that's kind of what I mean.

You appointed yourself to come in and save the world using your magical powers and smarts above all others here? Some kindly advice would be to stick to your day job because things are looking a quite a mess and instead of saving, you just got dragged into it all! Just yet another voice of turmoil.  :(

And I know you were depending on them T skills to shine through but you pegged me more than just a little wrong, too. You have no idea who you're talking with.

Ah-the shame of it--you had such high aspirations. But I learned something here after all. I think I know what T skills stand for now!  Thanks! :wink:


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« Reply #144 on: October 29, 2004, 07:54:23 PM »
Thomas is now the one keeping the pot stirred, and the thread going when it might have died out already. It would be
better for everyone if he privately contacts Phoenix if he wishes to play analyst.  

Yep! I couldn't agree more! He's all excited about what he calls his exceptional "T" skills on a Myers-Briggs test score. So, now he's Mr. armchair "expert" {nooooot!!!}. The boy needs to sit his butt in university for a few years and keep quiet with the analysing {say whatever else you want} until finals are done and the degree is on the wall.

Thomas writes:
I will dare to speak up here. Why do you feel to silence and riducule my right.  

I'm not telling you not to write-- I'd never do that. Just to quit the annoying know-it-all analysing and superhero syndrome.

And as far as ridcule... well... how to put it delicately.... Like out of the mouth of a babe standing over a broken ming vase-- "It was already like that when I got here"!

Thomas writes:What I am doing is attempting to assist the board and you in particular.  

Well now, you see, that's kind of what I mean.

You appointed yourself to come in and save the world using your magical powers and smarts above all others here? Some kindly advice would be to stick to your day job because things are looking a quite a mess and instead of saving, you just got dragged into it all! Just yet another voice of turmoil.  

And I know you were depending on them T skills to shine through but you pegged me more than just a little wrong, too. You have no idea who you're talking with.

Ah-the shame of it--you had such high aspirations. But I learned something here after all. I think I know what T skills stand for now! Thanks!

LMAO  :lol:    Well put Guest.


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Re: Welcome to Romper Room!
« Reply #145 on: October 29, 2004, 08:01:25 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Thomas is now the one keeping the pot stirred, and the thread going when it might have died out already. It would be
better for everyone if he privately contacts Phoenix if he wishes to play analyst.  

Yep! I couldn't agree more! He's all excited about what he calls his exceptional "T" skills on a Myers-Briggs test score. So, now he's Mr. armchair "expert" {nooooot!!!}. The boy needs to sit his butt in university for a few years and keep quiet with the analysing {say whatever else you want} until finals are done and the degree is on the wall.

Thomas writes:
I will dare to speak up here. Why do you feel to silence and riducule my right.  

I'm not telling you not to write-- I'd never do that. Just to quit the annoying know-it-all analysing and superhero syndrome.

And as far as ridcule... well... how to put it delicately.... Like out of the mouth of a babe standing over a broken ming vase-- "It was already like that when I got here"!

Thomas writes:What I am doing is attempting to assist the board and you in particular.  

Well now, you see, that's kind of what I mean.

You appointed yourself to come in and save the world using your magical powers and smarts above all others here? Some kindly advice would be to stick to your day job because things are looking a quite a mess and instead of saving, you just got dragged into it all! Just yet another voice of turmoil.  

And I know you were depending on them T skills to shine through but you pegged me more than just a little wrong, too. You have no idea who you're talking with.

Ah-the shame of it--you had such high aspirations. But I learned something here after all. I think I know what T skills stand for now! Thanks!

LMAO  :lol:    Well put Guest.

 :wink: tweedledee and tweeledum. Are you at it again?


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« Reply #146 on: October 29, 2004, 11:06:13 PM »
This is from over at "Phoenix Stays", a post by Blue Topaz. I am going to use her words, as they express best where I am at.

BT- Personally, I'd probably stop responding (no matter what was written about me) when I'd felt I'd said all I'd had to on all levels about the situation and my feelings, and any other messages I did would be repetitive...I think it becomes purely reactive & defensive at the repetitive point, which I know would be tapping into my inner "stuff" and wearing on me. .

If I haven't replied to you, I read your every word. Well except for T's 3X repetion. Once was plenty.

Thank you, all. Phoenix