Author Topic: Taking inventory after three years  (Read 2398 times)


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Re: Taking inventory after three years
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2010, 07:57:51 PM »
Yes, CB, I remember your story too. It seemed impossible to climb out of the swamp we were in. I would sometimes think there was just too much coming at you for anyone to bear up under. You have been very courageous and devoted to your children. And devoted to a vision that there was something better even if you had to cross a terrible place to get there. The place you crossed really was terrible. Full of betrayal and lies and undermining.

I am so glad you are still here. Maybe it is that spark of creativity and the current of curiosity that helps us go forward with what feels like nothing to support us. It took so long to get unburied from practical things that only now am I looking for who I lost. Bit of an identity shift.

I need to reinvent myself again. I feel this very strongly. Maybe its because I'm sixty.

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