At this point in my life, I am also more angry at my father than my NM. At least I know she had a mental illness. What was his excuse?
I spent my entire life making excuses for my father, telling myself that he didn't have a choice because he was afraid of M and/or brainwashed by her. When I was a kid, M was so cruel to him that I managed to convince myself that he was only staying with her for the children, and would dump her once we grew up. But not only did her stay with her, he became more and more dependent on her. Despite everything, I still felt sorry for him, and kept telling myself that he loved me, but was being controlled by her. Then, last year, he told me that I had been removed from his will over a decade ago at M's request. He said it totally off-the-cuff, like it was no big deal, then went on to ramble about his golf game. He told me, in a complete monotone voice, "What's the big deal? There's no money left anyway." I couldn't make him see that it wasn't about money.
That was the moment when I finally realized that the father I worshiped was a co-dependent piece of crap who never loved me. It hurt, BAD. After that final blow, he continued to call every week to make small talk, like nothing ever happened. My husband finally told him to stop calling, because neither one of us knew how to make small talk with the man who had cut his daughter out of the will while leaving everything to the GC. He still doesn't get it, and keeps calling. We just let him talk to the machine now. I honestly don't ever want to speak to him again. I look back on my life, and all the hurtful things he did to me (including physical punishment), and it makes me sick to think that I gave him a free pass because I thought he didn't have a choice. He DID have a choice. As much as I hate NM for what she did to me, I hate F more for standing there and allowing it to happen.