Wanted to pop in and say Hello...I'll be traveling on business for a week and may get online only now and then or not at all. Oy, I feel anticipatory Board withdrawal!
Things are cool, distant, and calm with my D. Not fun.
When I took our dog, alone...that was a moment when I felt it most. I didn't guilt-trip her one bit. Later, a close workmate listened to my story of the morning, in which I said only how glad I was that D. had come to the car to say goodbye to the dog...and he had tears, and said, I am so sorry you had to go through that alone.
I asked her yesterday after I fetched the ashes if she'd like to scatter Pooch's ashes with me and she suggested they instead should be returned to park in another city we lived in, when we first got her. But I am not going to do that. I feel strongly, personally, about not letting remains sit around in a can, and I'd like to return B. to nature at the nearby park she so loved, and where I spend so many happy hours with her. (I can also commune with her there no matter what house I wind up in, so don't feel attached to sprinkling her in the yard here.) I took care of B. most all her life, so I guess in this instance I don't feel like letting my D dictate what I do with her remains. Especially since my D redefined her as "your dog."
I dislike this relationship now, honestly. I feel D. circles me looking for money, is interested in me only for that, and is utterly indifferent to me in any other way. It's a really sad feeling but I am maintaining a new detachment. She never did follow through with our new family counselor appointment, and I guess that's that. She will have things her way and have the last word. Her father did the same thing...quit counseling when he was challenged. He wrote me years later to say he was sorry, and saw that as the moment that really ended our marriage.
I am trying not to make the comparison but I do see it as so familiar. Of course, I'm her mother for life, but she did tell the first counselor that she wanted to "divorce me." Perhaps she's succeeding.
It's horrible. Sorry to keep moaning about it, but now and then I just need to say it again. It's horrible.
But on the surface I'm calm and adult around her, and mostly pretty well defended. I don't know what else to do, so we just go our separate ways and barely intereact. She was nice to me on my birthday and immediately afterward reverted to her cold, distant thing. If I need to speak to her the response is always, "What do you want?" So I speak to her as little as I can.
Yuck. Dunno why I go off on all this again just now, but it's partly because I just signed a new will that will protect her in case anything should happen to me before Nmom's estate is settled--and shields her completely from any interaction with my brother.
I do know what it is. It's me feeling her profound ingratitude and entitlement, and having inner angry thoughts that I don't like having.
Confessing them here.