Thanks everyone for your replies
you very neatly summed up most of my childhood experiences.. reading it was like reliving it, and each time I go through that re-living process I come across new insights, memories that are sad and sometimes I cry over it.
The only difference between the average emotionaly abusive fathers and mine is that my father is complex ( I use the word advisedly ) He is never physically abusive, more on the winging type. He kind of plays multiple roles and contradicts himself so often it is impossible to understand what he expects, except simply to accept whatever he wants at the moment and every moment. For example he would be the 'evil mom' nd the next moment play the 'saviour dad' and put all the blame for it on my mom who has no clue what happened. The next day he would play the 'nursing mom' and give my mom credit for what she didnt do. My family simply putting it was a ..'one man family' starring my dad,co starring my dad, directed by my dad, edited cinamatographed by my dad.. I was just the audience and he needed me desparately

I guess he will have to watch his own shows from now on !!
wow, so brave of you to come out with it all. Wish I could have the same guts !
My dad I htink has some pure obsessions for sure. He is obsessed with the idea that he is sick and might die and that there is something wrong with me or that something might happen to me ! He keeps staring at me at night and keeps checking that I sleep well, he checks that my blanket are in place, that the fan is running at the right speed etc and sometimes cant sleep himself..disturbing thoughts he would sometimes claim !.. and no this is not when I was a kid.. but when I was in my twenties
it could verywell be bio/learnt. I think I will do more reading on this subject
The dream analysis was very helpful. The counsellor made me pay more attention to my dreams and thats only when I realised that I had a dream vision recently during my former counselling session about 3 years ago. I think it was a proof that the counselling then was a failure as there were striking contrasts in it. This time the counsellor is thinking more in terms of OCD and behaviour therapy rather than psychoanalytic psychotherapy cos of that.
After the session with him I got interested in the subject and started reading about the subject, especially Jungian analysis.
In general my dreams have a striking conflict, a strive for wholeness.. and something surprising always blocking it. I am now more aware that wholeness is more about integrating rather than killing off which I might have earlier on be trying to do.
About parents going on denial about OCD, my mom has sometimes pointed out to my dad that I was not ok, and no not out of care for me, but cos of fear that I might be crazy and that I might hurt her ( I write this with real bitterness for her) and my dad? he is full of guilt he hides it because he feels insecure about it for himself i think.
Tell the therapist that I feel bitter about my ex-counsellor ?
Thinking on those lines I did do one thing which would look so insignificant but was a milestone for me. I managed to utter the word 'shadow' 'dream analysis' to a therapist ! I usually think that I am stupid and hence my analysis, views, feelings are insignificant and the therapist are powerful and know everything especially about subjects related to therapy.. and for me to use a Jungian word like 'shadow' that too face to face with a therapist !!!!.. I felt the world would swallow me but thankfully she didnt spit on me.. infact she took it well
who knows.. one day I might tell her or atleast hint in more clear terms that I didnt like my pervious counsellor
good to see you too

I hope you are recovering well !