Biddy wrote:
I ran into some of my cousins this evening and first cousin would not make eye contact. These folks never seemed involved during the years and years that I was devoting my life to some screwball appease my parents pilgrimage. None of these people ever had words with me or spoke to me directly about my situation or anything -- life long relationships -- just gone -- up in smoke -- won't return calls -- won't open dialogs -- look for excuses to extend snub to additional family members -- so my ploy the past two months is to beat them to the ignore -- I'm kind, polite and breezy and fast -- I've seen too many episodes of Jerry Springer to antagonize any of these whacks.
This is an outrageous experience. They are all N's!! My NM's family is the same way. Most are crazy N's like what you described above. It's funny, they like to "pit" one against that one without hearing both sides of the story. They love, love, love the gossip and to believe this one about that one and did this and did that and oh my gosh. Your cousins should be ashamed of themselves--they have no right whatsoever!!
Swimmer, JustKathy: thank you for those words and supporting me. I so feel this now. I feel supported and believe I'm doing the right thing, not only by your experiences but in my own unique way, which makes it even MORE right and honest.
I'd like to quote Biddy
"what in the world goes through their minds?" This is the thing I grapple with on a daily basis. Do they even have the ability to think? No, actually think, think, think. What could possibly be going through her mind when she called and heard my voice on the message machine? Not that I need to know, but it's both perplexing and fascinating to me. I'd like to know if she rolled her eyes or grimaced or felt bad in the least way. I'm trying to humanize her here, aren't I?? Because she has only dehumanized me all my life!!
The questions I have will never be answered. I need to stop feeling frustrated with this...oh, someday. Someday.