Every morning I wake up and my head is filled with incidents that happened with exN and I start the climb out of sadness and despair. It is much easier now but these thoughts still assault me. I will put another piece of the puzzle together and "follow the lies". I let myself cry and just feel the void I feel inside. Then I mobilize and do something positive. Slowly I am building a life. It is not quite there though and I am so fearful of rejection and have a really hard time trusting. My mind is mush and it is hard to remember things or do housework.
I totally identify with this. and this part is so important for me
.........."If I try to hard to forget I start to get physical symptoms. Like my back seizes up or I cant sleep."................. Its for this reason that for so long, I have been partly paralysed, trapped in thought, needing to disentangle myself thought by thought in my head, thinking thro incidnets obsessively trying to reach some sort of liberating clarity, which I dont always. But its for just the reason you say, to keep the rest of me free of it, ie an attempt to stop in invading and effecting the rest of me.
Herman Melville said:
....that all earnest thinking is but the intrepid effort of the soul to keep the open independence of her sea.