Author Topic: We need to pay homage to....  (Read 2893 times)


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Re: We need to pay homage to....
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2010, 04:44:14 PM »
Hops:  I need to apologize to you.  I believe you were refering to your daughter on Mother's Day and not your own mother.  So sorry that I misunderstood.  I thought you came home from you trip and had seen your mother....but I re-read your post and realized this.  Regardless, you were in pain and I'm doubly sorry.

Your daughter may need help.  Has she ever gotten any?

Hope you have moved on from the "M" day hoopla.



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Re: We need to pay homage to....
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2010, 07:49:31 PM »
That's okay, Bear, heavens, I don't care about mistakes.
You came to VESMB after my mother had died--that was March of '09, so it was an easy error.

No offense taken! (I heard some loving support even if you had the precise subject mixed up!)  :)

My dear D has had some therapy, but she was living elsewhere. Now she's marooned with me until she recovers financially and her shock over the suddenness with which she needed me as a safety net has been expressed in a lot of anger at me, for maaaaaaaaaaany past errors I made that contributed to her issues. The problem was, she did so much blaming with so much relentless intensity that it got so hurtful we lost our connection, really. I literally can't take being attacked so much.

That's the real sadness. I'm over M-day. That day was just more than I could handle. I had spent a week having friendly encounters with kind strangers, making friends wherever I went. I had also been thinking about her so much and so lovingly. Buying special things I knew she needed or would enjoy to bring home, etc. So when on M-day she raged at me again....I just couldn't take the contrast. I had felt so happy away. Coming home to her misery (expressed in nasty hostility) just broke me open.

No more huff, though. I had a great howling cry, which I needed. And I feel better. I think SHE needs this too, there is so much pain underneath her behavior. Yet I can't fix it or comfort her, because in her mind, I've become the trigger for it.

I do believe that years will heal this. It has just been an incredibly sad reality check. To face where we actually are now.

If anything's a test of faith, it's holding on, loving her always, knowing she may turn her back on me pretty completely and I don't know for how long. But I'll be here.

You know, sometimes I think....this is the OTHER side of NC.

It's a great power, children have. I'm glad I forgave Nmother...was reading something on today about a NC situation. Couldn't help it, I felt sorry for the clueless mother who'd so alienated her D that they hadn't spoken or had a real visit in years!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."