Thank you, sweet people, Lollie, Seastorm, Worn, Bear, and Izzy and CB and Amber and all you others who sent me some kindness and support (typed or not, I got it!).
I've calmed down. I just realized that day that I was feeling a world of hurt and letting it be real and bawling hard was really, exactly, what I needed to do. I didn't have much more to say about it, just needed to let the feelings rip. I was fairly loud, too!
And since then I've been loving, she's been still a little sour but sobered some, and on we go.
I felt like my heart was broken again. It reminded me, being railed at on Mother's Day, of the way I felt when I got married and Nex2 roared and cursed at me on our wedding night. Just one of those times when you feel extra open and happy and expectant and get slammed.
I've learned my lesson and maybe, so has she... I think I invested more hopes for "getting love" that day since D won't do Xmas or Tgiving or V-day or any other little cultural thing that might help us feel family. So my two holdouts were my bday and Mother's Day. She was very nice about my bday but couldn't pull it off for M-day, with all she feels.
So given that I hate Hallmark's manipulations of us all anyway, I think I'll let go of M-day too.
I feel better. I just decided to acknowledge my feelings and let 'em rip and then they can pass through. I feel like my heart is a little bruised so I'm being gentle with myself, and with her.
We'll be okay. And I have had all this extra love and support here....I wish she had the same.
love and thanks again,