I went for an eye appointment friday. They said my eyesight was barely legal to drive. I guess it was about time to get those glasses. New glasses should be in this coming week.
My tomato plants are thriving. They're both huge and have started their first blossoms. They seem to like their home. Haven't been talking to them, but I might just start.

As far as the taking care of myself day to day, that is, I guess, more success than failure. There's progress anyway. Just get frustrated with myself when I don't see immediate concrete change. Oh well.
Have been grieving tremendously in the last couple weeks. I'm used to stuffing and stuffing and stuffing feelings. Just letting them out is almost completely foreign to me. I'm becoming more familiar with the hole in my chest. Right now it seems bottomless.
I decided at the last minute today to go to a Native American festival that was nearby. Attended a lecture on Cherokee Women in Legend and Life and listened to a husband and wife storytelling team tell the Trail of Tears story. I went too late to hear the drumming and see the dancing. Maybe I'll go again tomorrow. It was a blast and very nice to just spend some time with myself doing something I enjoy. I don't usually go do stuff like that by myself.
I wrote a poem the other night when dealing with some tough emotions. This is one of the healthiest ways I deal with stuff. I've been doing this since I was about 13. Here it is...please don't laugh.

My body burns, fevered with emotion.
Anger, fear, grief, hope...
Can I trust? Who do you think you are?
That's the answer I have to find.
My inability to speak feeds fire.
Can I find my way?
I'm closing in.
Faint traces of me.
Well, that's about it from Lake Wobegon. Take care my sisters, Worn