Hi Helen,
You have my sympathy. I've not had any contact with any of my family (apart from one lovely sister) for three years now, and never will again. I just found it impossible to deal with any or all of them. My mum used to do the ill health thing when things weren't well between us - I'd get a cryptic message that would give the impression something was seriously wrong, get in touch, be lead a merry dance for several weeks (and put up with it because I thought she was dying) and then find out there was only a minor health problem in the first place. The last attempt she made was several years ago, when I first stopped responding to her. She wrote to my son every week with all the family information (he was four at the time, autistic, couldn't read and even if he could I wouldn't have let him read what she had written) and there used to be comments in there about having to go away, being at the doctor's, having to attend a funeral, so much sadness going on, etc. There would usually be one comment a week, all designed, I believe, to get me to contact her and find out what was going on. Conversely, she never mentioned my uncle, who had been ill for months and was thought to be dying, knowing full well that I would actually like to know how he was. To this day I have no idea whether or not he made it.
I have no advice to offer re dealing with this because all I was able to do was walk away. Thinking of you, though xx