I am struggling to find employment and find my self in it.
My husband, with major N traits, and I just moved to a new city.
I just discovered this forum and the N/Echo terminology (been living it for ever, just discovered it is not only my ancient history – those Greeks, and I suspect other cultures and earlier centuries, knew all about it.) I gravitate now to this forum and all the full voices living out loud here.
AND, like we all do, I want to move forward too. Right now for me moving forward is important in the area of finding work. My motivation to connect, through work, to the world outside my home is ironically negatively effected by my isolation. I am isolated so i loose steam to become less isolated so i am still isolated and loosing steam. Circling the drain!

On the other hand, each time I come to the forum and don’t feel so isolated I also loose sight of my job hunt!
I can relate to what CC said in the “discovering self” post:
“My therapist has mentioned several times that if I if I begin involving myself again more socially that the answers will begin to come to me. But isn't that just a temporary distraction? I am lacking focus?”
I feel socializing can go many ways (escape, growth, both) depending on how I/we do it. This topic post is my attempt at merging socializing with mindfulness of issues and a forward focus – focus on finding meaningful authentic work.
I have considered joining a career support group. I’ve read about ones in which the members meet once or twice a week and stay focused on their job/career search issues. That sounds great AND some of my job/career search issues are a bit complex, deep for the café venue or for folks who feel less cluttered and not in need of similar support. Like NPenny says,
"How do you explain to others?".
Arrrg! As Rob’s “It is always there” post articulates. I want the “issues”, the pain to end AND I realize where ever I go there I am. No place is far away enough. So perhaps getting closer is the only way to get away? I saw my mom again after 20+ years and saw how STILL I am sharing a map with her although I swore I was on an entirely different path! When does it end?! I imagine (on a good day) it is all about feeling it out, feeling out the beginning, the middle, the end and feeling when it all begins again a little bit improved, a bit less intense or consuming next time. This post topic is my attempt at creating a future that integrates those topics, those pieces of my past that I wish would evaporate – integrate the past issues with future goals, integrate the voicelessness with a voice, a chorus, integrate survival with thriving. THRIVAL?

Transition. BALANCE! I want to bring up issues and not be consumed by them. I don’t want sympathy (well sometimes i do

). Yet, I don't want to be defined or identified by my issues or be the broken "friend" of someone vested in my not mending or the lost soul of a group dependent on my being lost. As Toni Morrison puts it so brilliantly:
"Your charity depends on my poverty."
I want teamwork, exchange, empathy, insight, constructive criticism and very occasionally a bit o babying. Know what I mean?
As Neko noted:
“So I pushed myself to do what I enjoy”
– it isn’t automatic. Isn't that a TRUTH! Ironic. Isn't being, having fun, having a passion, interests instinctual? Natural? Underneath "it" all yes I still believe. Like restoring the garden in the house we rent...there is some nature under the concrete. Takes some digging.
And yet the push can't be an insensitive bully shove. This post is my attempt to find and give sensitive support, momentum, to notice out loud how is that work quest, plan etc. going?
I have considered therapy, again. And, I am feeling like I simply cannot squeeze my emotive moments into a scheduled hour once a week with a stranger. I feel when I feel and I like that participation is more spontaneously in this forum than in an hour of therapy. Also, on this forum I hear/read voices filled with emotion instead an impassive other across the room in a chair. Synchronistic voices....
I have considered joining an emotional support group – co dependents, woman’s group, anger group, adult child of alcoholics etc. I have gone to groups before and found the experience very healing. AND I like that this “group” is defined by a goal, emotional survival and a universally human quality, voice (or lack thereof) and not by a diagnosis. I like that this forum focuses on a quality (or lack thereof), voice, that is itself a manifestation of an integrated self instead of the dissection I feel with the diagnosis defined groups – I am a woman in this group a codependent in another, an adult child of an alcoholic in another – ok for focus and now I am interested in integrating my functions and dysfunctions.
Furthermore, I do want to focus on my job/career quest. I don’t always want to focus on the deeper issues. I also need an environment where deeper stuff isn’t taboo either. Is such balance the stuff of a more real, normal life? I hope so, am aiming for that anyway.
Anyone out there relating?
I am thinking that posting the same topic again later (October?) and adding a date such as a month like I did for this one would give the topic a forward direction not just a longer and longer, deeper thread. Not having posted to on line stuff before though i dont know if that is allowed or would work. Any thoughts, feelings, insights about this anyone?
Some structured stuff I may post and hope to see from others here in the future: a job history (I was paid to be quite when i was five - known that for a long time and just realized THAT was my first job!

), a plan/s for the future, situations at work resolved win-win, tooting my horn (let the silenced trumpets blare!

), the shame resume (what I say to myself when I list accomplishements and in so doing diminish them/me) the answer to the shame resume - the horn tooting resume I'll never send (boastful with humble humor), mentors - people who seem to have accomplished the integration of giving and getting at work - avoided burn out etc, the resume of what i imagine i could of been had my childhood been different - put it to rest, mourn and move on.
Books that have helped: Here is one - What should I do with the rest of my life by Po Broson.Does this make sense to anyone, sound like something of interest?
Less structured stuff I struggle with regarding work and may post about here and I’ve heard/read in other’s post in this forum:
Self (at work) Interrupted:
…by chaos, now what?
Not fighting chaos anymore, now what?
Where to start the search? Taking Breaks? Breaking down.
End, does it ever?
Balance: Lacking focus. Motivation stalled. How to keep an eye on the
prize. What is the prize? Easily distracted.
Socializing is it avoidance or support?
People pleasing at and thru work. Win - win instead of win -
lose: how to recognize and create and maintain that?
Pride, tooting my horn? Does that mean I am acting
Narcissistic? Am I being humble or a hiding ECHO?