Not only that but you can WRITE, Bear.
Just read your latest addition to your story.
Honey are something amazing.
WHAT a triumph that you have so much clarity in your mind and depth of story and comprehension of what you've been through. You are so SMART that you are creating a new trajectory--you're changing that family tree.
You are really amazing. Lord, what photographs you will take and art you will make.
I am SO GLAD you have leapt past the idea that you "were responsible for facilitating a relationship between her and your daughter..."
Lots and lots of people grow up okay even fine, without grandparenting. It is not a requirement for a good life. I met two of mine verrrrrrrrrrrry briefly and never knew any of them well.
Sure, in a cozy mentally healthy village a bio-extended family would be nice. But in your case (and so many others)...the hell with that!
Have you ever considered finding a comfortable church community to get comfy in, with classes and potlucks and a bunch of activities, so your little girl can grow up feeling like part of a large safe group?
(Mind you, I'm quite paranoid about the effect of traditional religious teachings on girls, though I mightily love the Golden Rule. In my case, the only one spacious and vague enough for me to enjoy the community stuff without fearing for my mental health, is Unitarian Universalism. But the Quakers run a darn close second.)
Anyway, it's just a thought about how you can create PHamily and your little girl will just know she's loved. Not be hung up on whether it's BIOgrandma, or just some old lady she sees every week at a happy place (where people sing and stuff) who adores her. ADOPT a grandma for your wee child, she'll thank you forever!
(I had until last year when he died a close, very familial and very loving relationship with an old man family friend who had no children of his own. He and I were absolutely PHamily and I'm grateful forever for him.)
It can be done and boy do you and your dear ones deserve it!