I was going to say "worry" but decided there would be exactly the wrong way to frame it.
The nice interim minister lady chose to rent an apt. elsewhere...for her, the shared kitchen etc. wasn't appealing, she wants more privacy. And that's the right decision because if someone came full of doubt, it couldn't be a positive relationship with a housemate.
I'm disappointed but that is okay and the feeling will pass. I have posted an ad on Craigslist and also to my church bulletin offering the suite to members or friends for shorter or longer stays.
Who knows? Someone (or a string of someones) just right may appear.
In the short term, I will think positively about my capacity to earn more and carry on.
Please send vibes for a nice person to turn up who needs a quiet peaceful suite!
(Jeez, for an agnostic I sure am a big believer in VESMB vibes, but I swear, I've felt them work in my life...Maybe as a kind collective, when you send those thoughts out, you-all actually nudge the universe!)
with gratitude,