Author Topic: sharing a ... hope  (Read 1371 times)


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sharing a ... hope
« on: June 08, 2010, 10:35:26 PM »
I was going to say "worry" but decided there would be exactly the wrong way to frame it.

The nice interim minister lady chose to rent an apt. elsewhere...for her, the shared kitchen etc. wasn't appealing, she wants more privacy. And that's the right decision because if someone came full of doubt, it couldn't be a positive relationship with a housemate.

I'm disappointed but that is okay and the feeling will pass. I have posted an ad on Craigslist and also to my church bulletin offering the suite to members or friends for shorter or longer stays.

Who knows? Someone (or a string of someones) just right may appear.

In the short term, I will think positively about my capacity to earn more and carry on.

Please send vibes for a nice person to turn up who needs a quiet peaceful suite!

(Jeez, for an agnostic I sure am a big believer in VESMB vibes, but I swear, I've felt them work in my life...Maybe as a kind collective, when you send those thoughts out, you-all actually nudge the universe!)

with gratitude,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: sharing a ... hope
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 11:13:26 PM »
Sorry to hear it didn't out the way you wanted.

How about doing a vision board or positive thinking?   For something like this (getting a tenant who's a good fit), sending positive vibes into the universe can really help.   Also, a nice ad with good pictures is helpful.  Good luck.


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Re: sharing a ... hope
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 11:24:48 PM »
thank you, Anne.
Occurred to me that "suite" might conjure up something sort of fancy...

The study is nice, in a sort of 1960 way, but it's all worn and shabby. The curtains literally have rotten lining. Water damage on windowsills. Everything's worn and shabby. Old armchairs, mismatched stuff.'s a peaceful space with two nice big windows. Private entry, lovely if overgrown yard (mixed hardwoods and big ole weedy azaleas, but it's private and nice--lots of birds). The bedroom's very small but pleasant. Bathroom's one of those don't turn around or you'll fall in the tub while tinkling kinds of things. Wallpaper? Well, it was chosen by a lady who was 98 when she can guess!

It's clean because I got help, a day and a half marathon. The existing tenants (thru June) didn't clean thoroughly.

Smells like the current minister's stinky feet in there but we can air it out! I did my best and the right person will see it as a refuge and place of peace.

What's a vision board?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: sharing a ... hope
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2010, 08:08:11 AM »
I believe positive "vibes" do work. 

They change your own brain and shift the electrical impulses. I will hold the thoughts for you for the right tenant.  Why not call it shabby chic?  It is not a current terrm but it conveys a message.  Thinking of you Hops.


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Re: sharing a ... hope
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2010, 02:12:36 PM »
Hi Hops,

I did a quicky google of "vision Board" & found this:

Vision Bds are part of the Law of Attraction thing, which I believe in.  If you're not into the Law of Attraction, think of it as related to Jung's synchronicity.

The idea is basically that we need to believe that we can attract into our lives those things we desire.  When we doubt ourselves & think 'it's not going to happen', then we make it more likely that it won't happen.

However, you feel that the place needs some sprucing up, so, go with that.  Set up a budget & figure out how to make it attractive for potential renters.  Sounds like you should get rid of the curtains, paint the room & dump or move anything old & shabby.  Think of how you can make it look (& smell) better without spending a lot of money.  Maybe throw out the yucky furniture & then go to yard sales & buy new stuff.  Try to view this redecorating as something you want to do instead of a "must" do.  Also, consider the feng sheu aspect of space clearing & furniture re-arrangement:  it's a way to create more harmony & positive energy in your home.  

good luck!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 02:17:22 PM by ann3 »


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Re: sharing a ... hope
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 07:51:29 PM »
Hi Ann,

Thanks for the cheering on!
Too elaborate to explain why I can't unload furniture (this is an estate in contention) but I sure could ditch the curtains!

Mostly, I would be happy for a pleasant tenant to do what they'd like, as I haven't the time or energy to take it on.

But it's nice to borrow your vision for it anyway. In the future, being domestic again will be a happy thing.
And I at least do know I can hold a positive thought that all will be well, however it's manifested!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: sharing a ... hope
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2010, 11:07:15 AM »
I'm glad you're feeling more positive, Hops.

Sorry you lost your tenant...... just one more small thing, but it's valid that you're concerned.

I'd suggest priming wallpaper and painting too, but you don't have the energy and the wallpaper might start coming unglued all over the place.

Make sure you check references on new roomies.

A friend of mine once took on a roomate he thought was a doctor.  The guy's wife said he would be working at a nearby medical facility for a while.

Turned out the guy was really a patient, and the wife changed her phone number after her husband was moved in.

It started out with the poor man dragging all the neighbor's patio furniture into the apartment, spagetti on the kitchen walls, that kind of thing.

When my friend came home, found the shower curtain half torn down, roomie naked in his bed, phone cord chewd half through, still in his mouth..... he finally called the police.

They couldn't help.

Thank goodness the guy's parents came to get him.
