Great post!
I read this before but the timing was wrong. I was applying the behaviours to my family members and myself and most of the rest of the world.
Guess what? Everyone is an n in my world because just about everyone I know has at least some of these traits!!!
Now that's jumping to conclusions!!

(don't see that one on there but it's gotta be an n trait, doesn't it???).
Reading again, in a better mode, I can honestly see so much that applies to my father, from every catagory but rescuer and special lover. He was definately NOT in those.
If I apply this to myself, which is scary, I go for rescuer, except for "appear to be kind and considerate". I think I am kind and considerate, so that helps me to feel a bit relieved. My sister, on the other hand tries to appear that way, while underhandedly always getting something. Eg. "I'll arrange for the music for your wedding and take care of it. It'll be my wedding gift to you", when I expressed confusion about where to find what I wanted. So she sings at my wedding and gets the muscians. After all the fun is over, and she has had another day on the stage (going so far as to hire a video-guy to record the event--which ends up consisting of mainly--her--performances and leaves out much of the meat), she then tells me I owe her $x. Lovely wedding gift eh?
Anyhow sidetracked there. This one induces great pondering for me.