Hi Everybody,
I just wanted to let people know that I have decided to take a break from the board for a while. A lot has been going on - I think ultimately it will all be for the good but I feel that I need to spend some time alone to really find out who I am. I want to spend as much time as I can outiside in the fresh air just 'being' and giving myself time to get used to some of the things that are coming up in therapy at the minute.
I wanted to thank everybody who has given me so much help in the past; not just by replying to threads I post up but others help without realising it by posting their own threads and experiences. Sometimes I read something someone else writes and it resonates with me and moves me on another notch.
I do want to come back to the boards after a break and just wanted to say that I hope everyone stays well and I look forward to catching up with people again in the future. I feel that I am at an important stage now and am hoping the next time I see you all some big changes will have come about and I will be happier and more settled.
You are a wonderful group of people and it constantly amazes me how loving and giving people can be when they have suffered so much pain in their lives. Thank you to everyone, have a good summer, and hopefully we will all catch up again in the near future.
Sending thanks, love and hope for the future,
Twoapenny xxx