Author Topic: Thx for posts regarding I'll parents  (Read 1270 times)


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Thx for posts regarding I'll parents
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:12:48 PM »
I'm so grateful to all the posts I've read here regarding people's complicated situations when toxic family members get sick and/or die.

My stepdad is sick with poss liver cancer... All this info is disseminating from my mother.  She is shaking a lot of people up now.  We'll see if this is really real.  I'm sure she is twisting this to the dark side, my dear husband is an innocent naive person about some of this stuff. 


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Re: Thx for posts regarding I'll parents
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 05:22:14 PM »
I talked to the pastor at my church about it and I don't feel so bad about not jumping to see what is actually going on. 

I have a family to take care of and a very toxic workplace situation I'm dealing with now.  I can't really contact my stepdad anyways....  My NM is sooo toxic and I'm sure she has her blame loaded machine gun cocked and ready to blast. 

I just get so tired, I'm trying to talk myself out of blaming myself for everything.  I feel like a loser some of the time today.

Gaining Strength

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Re: Thx for posts regarding I'll parents
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 12:08:19 PM »
I have been working with an acquaintance who is becoming a friend to overcome each of our struggles. 

She is going through a tough time.  She has come to learn that her husband of 8 years and father of her only child has been fired, misapporpriating funds, not paying back the home equity loan (on the house she bought before the marriage and a loan he took because he was not making much) and on and on.  She asked him to move out.  He is angry and has circled the wagons and his family is out spreading lies and half-truths.  She was able to discover some of this because her own photography business has fallen off significantly and for the first tiime in decades is now looking for a completely different source of income.

Where I am going with this is here - you are in survival time.  you must put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then help those in your household.  Yes there are people all around you drowning but you cannot save them all and some of them will bring you down with them.  If you don't help they will dog cuss and try to destroy your name.  Protect your own heart.  Set your priorities on you and your household.  It does not matter what they do.  Let their poisonous arrows fall fallow at your doorstep.  Let their meanness be nothing but a hoard of pesky flies in your face - bothersome and annoying but not lethal nor frightening.

You need all of your reserves to stay true at work and when you learn to ignore and let go of one set then you will become strengthened to experiment with doing the same with the N at work.  See this as a opportunity to train and grow strong.


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Re: Thx for posts regarding I'll parents
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 12:41:30 PM »
Thx Gainingstrength!  One minute I have my head upband the next hour it's down.  I'm getting slowly propped up with support and I'll read your post while I work tomorrow for a reminder.  I'm learning the base I didn't get growing up is what is missing, not that I'm no horrible.